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[Comment from a deleted post]
hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain

String.replaceAll is kind of useless, something nobody asked for. Regular Expression in context of simple find and replace is very very basic and easy. Also, non of these are great features TBH. We'll now spend the next five years telling developers not to use them because we want to support older browsers.

cenacr007_harsh profile image

I am happy with the _ 😂, If possible I would include them in C++ and Java as well.

hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain

Ooh yes, I didn't pay much attention to that. This is definitely a nice feature!

cenacr007_harsh profile image

Sure is.

robcodes profile image

You'll love ruby. We have had most of these operators / separators a while now.


hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain

Isn't Ruby, like dead? I used it a little when I had to write some Shopify script though.

cenacr007_harsh profile image

Maybe in the future.

robcodes profile image

I can say that 100% Ruby is not dead. don't believe the hype. The community ist growing as fast as it used to, but its still growing. RoR is now a mature framework, and sr. ruby developers still make a pretty hefty salary. Sure, there are other up and comers, and I dabble in them. But ruby still pays my bills. I am an avid go-lang writer, and i use it when its right to do so. But I will bet you dollars to donuts, I can build you a working MVP in 1/10th the time, and 10x the stability with ruby and rails.

I do love Node, and react. and I think thats a great stack as well. But ruby will always be my first love.

hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain • Edited

As far as I know, I heard that people aren't making a lot of new projects in Ruby, they are still making but the number is getting lower and most of the ruby developers usually maintain legacy code. Sad, I never got to experience Ruby though, Ruby developers seems to love the heck out of it.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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kevinluo201 profile image
Kevin Luo

This site,, is built by ROR

robcodes profile image


As I said. Ruby is great. And it has a great community. I enjoy my work. there are rare occasions where I like something in another language.

It has to do with the scope I work in. Im not building ATC systems. I'm not building medical devices. Im not building radar systems. I build Web Apps. :)

ienzam profile image
Md. Enzam Hossain • Edited

C++ and Java both have this feature already.

In C++, you can use ' (single quote) as digit separator - 1'000'000

In Java, you can use _ as digit separator - 1_000_000

cenacr007_harsh profile image

For real ?? 😳 All this time of using C++ and I never knew about this 🥲

chawan4u profile image


stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

For years it's been possible to use new features from the JS even in older browsers by using Babel.

hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain

True but then you increase the bundle size with all the polyfills. Honestly, I could careless but these are the things "senior" developers have told me and it turns out that there are as many opinions as there are "senior" developers.

I guess I'm just being sarcastic but it is a fact that software development industry with its "senior" developers with five years of experience has made it very toxic. Everyone thinks their opinions are facts. I have a lot to say about this, maybe I'll write a post instead someday.


stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

In software development, everything is about balance. You don't need to use all the features all the time. Also, compilers are much smarter now, with tree shaking and all other optimizations available to us we can have very small bundles.

There are rather few things which could be proven in software development too - most of it boils down to opinions. That's the both, a burden and a blessing.

hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain • Edited

FYI, I know these terms and the concept you are talking about are quite primitive like tree shaking etc. I also understand that software engineering is very different compared to other engineering disciplines because most of it is based on abstractions. We don't have to understand how the machine works but using those abstractions we can create beautiful things.

My only problem with the development community is toxic "senior" developers that are in over their head, trying to micro-manage and enforce their opinions. Read a book or talk to an actual senior developer with 20 or 30 years of experience and you'll understand that a lot of "senior" developers that I talk about throw terms around and enforce their opinions in shallow hopes of appearing smart.

cenacr007_harsh profile image

Yup that throwing terms around, I have seen that a lot.

stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

Even better if you know them already. I typically listen to people who are in this industry more than me because most of what I've read is useful. The only exception would be developers who are working industry for a long time at the same position. They typically don't learn anything new and they're just piling up years for the CV. Throwing terms around is sometimes I notice fairly often from people who aren't in this industry or are junior developers.

Not having opinions would make software development unbearable job. I have my opinions about structuring my projects, writing tests, documenting things and so on which were of course influenced by the industry standards, community and so on. We can all agree that there is no single right way to do things.

cenacr007_harsh profile image

Yeah one must have opinions, just we should never force it on others.

intrnl profile image
intrnl • Edited

That's really subjective, and it would of course depends on what kind of code you're dealing to begin with.

Personally, I've found logical assignment and numeric separators to be useful for me already. AggregateError and WeakRef seems more useful in the library-land, where you won't really be peeking much to begin with.

I don't really like supporting older browsers older than one-two years 🤷‍♂️️

cenacr007_harsh profile image

True that, I am very happy IE is finally getting retired, like why the hell was it there in the first place, just to make our life harder.

blackr1234 profile image

Regarding browser compatibility concern, perhaps developers can use Babel to polyfill?