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Node & Mongo Blogs

CRUD Operations:
In MongoDB basic programs and methods are called CRUD. CRUD stands for create, read, update and delete. By this method, we will manage the primary data in our database.

JWT token stand for JSON WEB TOKEN on of the best use of JWT is sharing information between two parties are client and server. They signed for using a cryptographic algorithm to ensure that the claims cannot be altered after the token is issued.

Mongoose is an object data modeling library for MongoDB and node js. It’s the middle man to connects the data and provide the client. It can translate the object in code and the representation of those objects in MongoDB.

Relational database (MySql):
The relational database is a system that is maintained a relational database sometimes called MySql. In SQL structure data is stored in a table and NoSQL use “Beson” to store data. NoSql will be global data that can take different locations and can easily be accessed.

In MongoDB, Aggregation operation means an operation that helps process the data records/documents and then return the data computed the results. Aggregation collects the data and placed them together then uses a different type of operation like sum, average, minimum, maximum return the computed result.

Express helps us to specify which kind of function we gonna call like the post, get, update, delete of URL pattern, and specify that templet view we will use for this render a response, and also where is locked.

In a simple way replication is a simple process of creating a copy of the same data set in more than one MongoDB server. Replication help people from losing data of a single server.

Why node mongo in react project:
Every react developer knows about javascript so we haven’t learned any kind of new language for the backend server. We can use node and mongo by javascript language so we use node mongo in our react project. And MongoDB is a NoSql type database and NoSql is javascript friendly structure provide us that is also a matter for using mongo in react projects.
Differences between SQL and NoSQL databases:
SQL means Structured Query Language. SQL is a relational database on the other hand NoSQL is a nonrelational database. In SQL structure data is stored in a table and NoSQL use “Beson” to store data. NoSql will be global data that can take different locations and can easily be accessed. SQL only stores structured data but NoSql will be unstructured, semi-structured, and all kinds of data can be stored.

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