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Basic React.

propType or props is basically used for passing read-only attributes between react components. By this property, we send data from one react component to another component. Props are stand for properties.

React state is another react build-in object by this state we can make and use their data. The state is also helpful for passing data by props.

JSX is stand for javascript XML. By this JSX we can use our HTML code directly in our react project. It’s basically a syntax extension of javascript. It’s very helpful for a react developer.

Component Lifecycle:
every component in react has a lifecycle that can monitor and manipulate during its three main phases.
Three phases are Mounting, updating, unmounting.

Hooks allow us to use state and other React features, like lifecycle methods, without writing a class. Hooks let you always use functions instead of having to constantly switch between functions, classes, higher-order components, and render props.

In useEffect we can leverage our component lifecycle hook which was in the past only supported for the class component. On the other hand, useState makes our functional component stateful which is normally stateless.
Custom hook:
The custom hook allows you to perform tasks that are outside the scope of Data Hub. Custom hook modules can run immediately before or immediately after the step's core processes.

Context API:
Context API is a kind of data passing process by this react project people can wrap their component or element and what kind of data he wants by context API and then can use them from anywhere.

Components are used for building blocks for react application. They serve the same things as a javascript function it works on isolation return HTML. There have two types of components one is functional and the other is class component.

Arrow function:
arrow function is a new feature from ES6. If you use the arrow function you don’t need to bind any event ‘this’. Here the bind ‘this’ is global and not limited to any calling function.

React Router:
React Router is a standard library it’s basically used for routing. With this router, we can navigate from one page to another and also from one component to another. This keeps the URL in sync with the data that’s being displayed on the web page.

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