DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Thanks for the nice feedback, I really enjoy putting these together.

I also write the same kind of wrap up for AWS if you're interested:

and have started a 'classic posts' collection for both SQL and AWS to highlight some of those posts from the past that are still great resources:

If C++ is more your thing Sandor writes a monthly post:

I'd also recommend following the Dev team for their top posts of the week:

leob profile image

The only one I knew already was "The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week" :)

And I see that all the others can be queried via the '#bestofdev' tag - useful !

( '#bestofdev' also gives me "Best of Flutter", "Top DEV comments" and a bunch of others - but not "The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts", haha)

Well this "meta" stuff is useful, given the avalanche of posts on nowadays ... thanks and keep up the good work!