DEV Community

Discussion on: Why You're Not Writing UI Tests

hilaberger92 profile image
Hila Berger

Hi Kevin,
Great article, I really enjoyed reading it.
Just a quick question:
You wrote: "What if you spend all this time setting up your tests, but in the end nothing really comes of it?" and "It takes a lot of work to get a good automated test suite built out. It's not something you can do in the course of an afternoon. "
I agree that it takes time to build a good test suite. My question is, how much time do you consider as too much time spent on setting up the tests?
At what point will you stop the process because it takes too much time?

klamping profile image
Kevin Lamping

That's a great question and I think it really depends on what value you can get out of the tests. It may be worth it to spend a week or two getting a test environment set up if you're on a team of 10 and really need the automation. On the other hand, if it's just you and you're working on a project with a small budget, you probably need that time for other things. I think just being honest with what you can afford time-wise is best.

hilaberger92 profile image
Hila Berger

Thanks a lot! I couldn't agree more :)
Which framework do you use to write your tests?

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klamping profile image
Kevin Lamping

I use WebdriverIO for UI tests. I wrote a post about it here:

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hilaberger92 profile image
Hila Berger

Great, thanks :)