Hi, I'm Hossein, In this article, I'll show you how to create your Nodejs Instagram photo and image downloader.
To start our project we need to install dependencies:
npm init
npm install node-html-parser axios
After installation dependencies have done, Create an index.js file and put the codes below into it:
const axios = require('axios');
const { parse } = require("node-html-parser");
const instagramPostLink = "https://www.instagram.com/p/CD5um-vHA33/";
async function getPostLink(url) {
url = url + 'embed' + '/captioned';
let res = axios.get(url).then(async (response) => {
const root = parse(response.data);
let link = "";
if (response.data.search("video_url") != -1)
link = getVideoLinkFromHtml(response.data);
link = root.querySelector('img.EmbeddedMediaImage').getAttribute("src");
while (link.search("&") != -1) {
link = link.replace("&", "&");
let caption =await getCaptionFromHtml(response.data);
return {link,caption};
return res;
async function getCaption(url) {
url = url + 'embed' + '/captioned';
let res = axios.get(url).then((response) => {
let caption= getCaptionFromHtml(response.data);
return caption;
return res;
async function getCaptionFromHtml(html) {
const root = parse(html);
let caption=root.querySelector('.Caption')?.text;
if(caption == undefined)
caption="No caption";
caption=caption.replace("view all comments","");
return caption;
function getVideoLinkFromHtml(html) {
let crop = "{\"" + html.substring(html.search("video_url"), html.search("video_url") + 1000);
crop = crop.substring(0, crop.search(",")) + "}";
return JSON.parse(crop).video_url;
(async ()=>{
await getPostLink(instagramPostLink);
Some trouble with download the Instagram app is it needs a login, So we are use the embed Instagram posts to download that.
And Instagram can't block this way, Because so many sites use that.
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Top comments (18)
I follow this method and made this amazing Instagram reels, Stories, Photo, profile, downloader all in one with next.js. Check this out StoriesSaver.org
can i get source code?
we cant able too get video urls for some links like that one: instagram.com/reel/CTxDDvOJx72/?ut...
only thumbnail image was returned.
And some of the websites like instavideosave.net can able do to so.
Instagram used to be a straight forward app. Post a photo, and carry on. Now it's a feed of stories, nearly redundant to Reels, with ads every second Story you scroll through. Instagram stories downloader
we cant able too get video urls for some links like that one: instagram.com/reel/CTxDDvOJx72/?ut...
only thumbnail image was returned.
And some of the websites like fastreelshub.com/ able do to so.
this API only provides to download photos only , you can't download reels and videos using this API but some website allows to download the reels and videos. and i was looking to increase reels views as well.
Any tips?
Hey guys, do you struggle while downloading any content from Instagram. Here is the solution try Instagram Reels video Download Tool which can you to download Instagram Reels within a second
This API only provides photos; video and reels cannot be retrieved. There are various websites that can collect all of the reels/videos/images/Stories instagram Mp3 Downloader
This api Only returns images and Video & reels can't be fetched.
There are some website that are able to get all the Reels/Videos/Images together
Check Link : reelsdownloader.io
Do this way for each , don't copy and paist
thanks for this code
but this code just return the link of first page for album posts.so for get all of them what shoud we do?