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The "Is this a word" check of my Phase 1 Flatiron Project


I thought I'd break apart my "isAWord" function in my project as this is where all of the magic happens.

My project can be found here:

The Object

For reference: The Object that is the word and its functions are seen here.

class Word {
    constructor(name) { = name;
        this.definitions = [];
        this.nameArray = [];

    addDefinition(definition, partOfSpeech) {
        this.definitions.push({ definition, partOfSpeech });

    splitTheWord() {
        this.nameArray ='');
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The Function

We start off by creating an Async function as isAWord calls the dictionary api multiple times while writing information to a db.json.

The passed in userInput is grabbed from an event listener text input and put to lowercase to standardize the usage.

async function isAWord(userInput) {
    let word = userInput.toLowerCase();
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Next the user input word is checked against the db.json and pulls the relevant data instead of calling the dictionary api a second time for information we've already gathered.

Each definition and the related partOfSpeech in the db is grabbed and is passed into the object theWord

theWord is split using splitTheWord which turns the name of theWord into an array so each letter can be appended to it's own Div.

   if (db && word in db) {
        const dbWord = db[word];
        theWord = new Word(;
        dbWord.definitions.forEach(({ definition, partOfSpeech }) => {
            theWord.addDefinition(definition, partOfSpeech);
        return theWord;
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If the word is not in the db.json it is checked first to make sure it is a word.

This function checks the passed in userInput and determines if any of the elements in the userInput are themselves a space, a punctuation mark, or a number. All of which would not return a proper word.

The returnValue defaults true as to assume it's a valid word until proven otherwise.

function isASingleWord(userInput) {
    let charArray = userInput.split('');
    const punctuation = /[!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~]/;
    const numbers = /\d+/g;
    let returnValue = true;

    if (charArray.some(element => element.includes(' '))) {
        returnValue = false;
    } else if (charArray.some(element => punctuation.test(element))) {
        returnValue = false;
    } else if (charArray.some(element => numbers.test(element))) {
        returnValue = false;
    return returnValue;
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Once the word passes the isASingleWord if statement, the dictionary api is called.

The response variable is created and assigned the fetched status. If the response is ok (a read only property of response) and it's boolean returns false, the api call was unsuccessful.

const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
            if (!response.ok) {
                throw new Error(`HTTP Error! Status is: ${response.status}`);
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If it passes as true however, the data variable is assigned the response passed through the built in json() function.

This data is checked for the title of the word and if the title returns No Definitions Found then while it is a word, it is not a definable word in the dictionary and will return an empty object Word.

try {
     const data = await response.json();
            if (data.title === "No Definitions Found") {
                return new Word('');
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If however it does have a title that isn't the api's default No Definitions Found, then theWord is instantiated with the word data from the api call. The definitions and parts of speech are grabbed and build the object.

It is then added to the database with the addToDB function so that successive api calls do not call words already added to the db.json.

            else {
                theWord = new Word(data[0].word);
                data[0].meanings.forEach(object => {
                    object.definitions.forEach(definitionArray => {
                        theWord.addDefinition(definitionArray.definition, object.partOfSpeech);
                return theWord;
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Lastly, the try-catch block is finished, where the catch grabs an error if one exists and if the isASingleWord function returns false, it fires the else statement to return an empty Word Object to clear out the gamefield.

catch (error) {
            console.error('Error fetching word data:', error);
            return new Word('');
    } else {
        return new Word('');
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This project was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about async and promise and yet, I feel as though I have so much to learn on the subject.

Thank you if you stuck with me! I'm sure there's a better way to do the project I've created as I essentially brute forced my way through on the API calls, my Json-server crashes often I believe because of my anti-virus, and the async functions often are slow. I look forward to challenging myself and learning to know what I did wrong where how to improve.

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