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Advanced prompting techniques: function calling

LLMs cannot rely on real-time knowledge. For example, an AI can't tell you what time is it right now, or change their prediction of a winning team given the live score of a football game. Is there a way to overcome this limitation?

As a user, prompting is probably the most important aspect when dealing with AIs. Writing the right prompt not only can make an LLM more accurate, but it will confer superpowers it can't provide out of the box.

One of these superpowers is to feed external data to in the prompt. This gives the assistant additional context to provide a more accurate answer. As the model gathers information, we can include these details in the prompt itself (a technique called prompt chaining), so that the model's context grows as it thinks through an accurate answer.

These techniques work well when we provide data to the prompt at the beginning of the conversation. For example, the model can help us categorize data based on criteria we add to the prompt at the beginning of the conversation. But what if results change during the conversation? And what if the model needs to dynamically access data we couldn't provide?

We can use a variation of those techniques to let LLMs know they can use tools, so that they won't have to think for themselves when they cannot provide an accurate answer. This is a technique on itself, and it's called function calling (or tool use).

In tool use, we first tell the model that there are tools available. We describe what are those tools and how they can be invoked. We encourage the model to call those tools whenever it cannot think of an accurate answer, or in situations when it needs access to data it doesn't have. The model will decide what function it needs, and it will output a function call when needed. On the client side, the code will detect a function call, execute it, and return its result in the next prompt. The model can then use those results and decide what to do next (including making another function call).

Here, I'll use Claude from Anthropic. I choose it for a few reasons:

  • Anthropic takes AI safety seriously, which makes it easier to deal with harmful responses. Claude is trained using a combination of RLHF and Constitutional AI, which makes it quite resilient out-of-the-box from harmful prompts.

  • Anthropic just released a new Messages API (in beta at the time of writing), and I wanted to try it out!

What's the weather like?

Now, suppose we want to get the weather in a specific location. The model will first need to convert the user-provided location to a set of coordinates, then get the weather for those coordinates. We will code two functions:

  • get_lat_long: converts a location name to a set of coordinates (latitude and longitude)
  • get_weather: gets the weather for that particular set of coordinates.

We'll need to define how those functions will work. In the code, we'll add a specification to describe what the function does, along with its name and arguments. Here's how the specification for get_weather looks like:

get_weather_description_json = {
  "name": "get_weather",
  "description": "Returns weather data for a given latitude and longitude.",
  "parameters": [{
      "name": "latitude",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The latitude coordinate as a string"
      "name": "longitude",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The longitude coordinate as a string"
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We'll likely have a specification like this for each one of the functions we want Claude to use. We will then chain all these descriptions together and encourage Claude to use them. This is done in the prompt:

In this environment you have access to a set of tools you can use to answer the user's question. You may call them like this:
  "function_calls": [
      "tool_name": "$TOOL_NAME",
      "parameters": {

Only invoke one function at a time and wait for the results before invoking another function:

  "function_calls": [
      "name": "get_weather",
      "description": "Returns weather data for a given latitude and longitude.",
      "parameters": [{
        "name": "latitude",
        "type": "string",
        "description": "The latitude coordinate as a string"
        "name": "longitude",
        "type": "string",
        "description": "The longitude coordinate as a string"
    "name": "get_lat_long",
    "description": "Returns the latitude and longitude for a given place name.",
    "parameters": [{
      "name": "place",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The place name to geocode and get coordinates for."
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The user will ask something like this:

What's the weather like in San Francisco?
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JSON meets XML

Anthropic recommends enclosing instruction in XML tags, but one hidden gem about Claude is that it can understand JSON quite simply too. In my test, I tried writing specifications completely in XML (which is Anthropic usually does), and when I converted it into JSON, I found the model was equally good at understanding instructions and making calls. The XML/JSON combination also has the advantage of simplifying the parsing logic in the client, which is nice!

AI calls, function responds

When we run this prompt, Claude will output something like this:

{"function_calls": [{"tool_name": "get_lat_long", "parameters": {"place": "San Francisco"}}]}
To get the weather for San Francisco, I first needed to find the latitude and longitude coordinates. I used the get_lat_long tool to geocode "San Francisco" and get its geographic coordinates.
Let's check the response to see if we got the coordinates:
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Claude correctly understood how to call a function, and it is in fact asking to call one. We see JSON wrapped in XML tags, but we can't parse it as is. We'll need to get rid of the unwanted output, and then isolate and parse the JSON string. To get rid of the more talkative part, we configure a stop sequence in the API request. Stop sequences will stop any output starting at the location the sequence is encountered. Configuring a stop sequence of </function_calls> will automatically skip any output that starts with </function_calls>.

The output will then look like this:

{"function_calls": [{"tool_name": "get_lat_long", "parameters": {"place": "San Francisco"}}]}
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Now we just have to remove the initial tag and parse the JSON. We can do something like this:

tag = "<function_calls>"
tools_string_index = content.find(tag)

tools_string = content[tools_string_index + len(tag):]

tools_to_invoke = json.loads(tools_string)

function_call = tools_to_invoke[0]
# function call will be {"tool_name": "get_lat_long", "parameters": {"place": "San Francisco"}

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Now we have a dictionary with the name of the function and its parameters. In our code, we have a receiver function that will accept Claude's arguments and return a result:

def call_function(tool_name, parameters):
    func = getattr(tools, tool_name)
    output = func(**parameters)
    return output
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We take the result, serialize it back into the prompt, and feed it back to Claude.

Claude will then choose to invoke the get_weather function with the latitude and longitude provided by get_lat_long (which is now part of the prompt). This will return the correct answer:

The weather data shows it is currently 12.3°C in San Francisco, with 5.2km/h winds from the west-southwest direction. The weather code indicates cloudy skies.

Let me know if you need any other weather details for San Francisco!
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Imagine the possibilities

Function calling is a very powerful technique, and it can be used to go far beyond making API calls.

  • We could describe a SQL schema, and Claude could perform SQL queries to obtain data from a database

  • The model could ask for a specific file in the local filesystem

  • The model could execute OS commands

  • The model could come up with some search keywords, and the client can search the internet for those. This technique is usually employed as Retrieval Augmented Generation.

With the right prompt, your model can put all its knowledge to great use, and expand the realm of usefulness you can derive from it.

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