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Tips for Using ChatGPT’s Best Features

It’s not old news that AI is taking over technology as we know it, including how text on websites and blog posts are written. Let’s learn about ChatGPT’s best features.

Use ChatGPT-4

While GPT-3.5 is free to use, it is not as effective as going premium by paying $20 per month to utilize GPT-4. It generates responses to prompts much faster than its earlier model cousin. GPT-4 also has beta features including advanced data analysis and even enhanced browsing and plugin capabilities.

How To Sign Up for ChatGPT-4

Sign on to your OpenAi account and click on ChatGPT. On the top of the screen, click where it says, GPT-4. Click on the purple button that says “Upgrade to ChatGPT-Plus”. Review the comparison of the benefits for 3.5 and 4 before clicking on the green button that says “Upgrade to Plus”.

Then, you will be taken to a page where you enter your account information where recurring payments will be deducted from each month. Note your name and billing address. Entering your phone number is optional, but doing so helps you to save all your info from that recurring purchase safely and securely.

Verify that all the information is correct and submit your payment. You now have instant access to GPT-4 to start generating your blog posts with AI.

Be Thorough When Typing In Prompts

For example, if you want to talk about sports betting on scommessee NetBet in an upcoming blog post, then you need to type a prompt that is thorough in its discussion about the platform and the available ways to place your bets. Ask the prompt for something like:

“Please give me an opening paragraph describing the NetBet sports betting platform. Tell readers how to place bets for different sports such as basketball, tennis, ping pong, cricket, volleyball, and soccer (or football). Go over the different highlights of sports events such as the Italian Cup, Europa League, Ligue 1, and World Cup qualifiers”.

Then you can go on to type in a prompt as something like:

“Please give me a paragraph about how to place sports bets on NetBet. How do people deposit money into their accounts to fund the bets? What is the average cost of a sports bet on NetBet? How are the betting procedures different for each sport? Talk about how to bet on basketball, tennis, ping pong, cricket, volleyball, and soccer (or football).”

The more thorough that you are with each prompt you type, the more that ChatGPT will provide you in its response.

Let ChatGPT Inspire You

Not everyone is thrilled about using AI to write blog posts. Especially freelance writers who have perfected their writing art for however long they have been in their career, it’s cringy to have AI take over the writing industry. However, freelance writers who feel this way can still utilize ChatGPT whenever they have writer’s block.

Ask ChatGPT for Title Suggestions

It can be difficult to generate a catchy title sometimes. Maybe, in some instances, you want to think of a pun for your title, but you are having trouble doing so. Ask ChatGPT something like:

“Please give me a catchy title with puns about how to do sports betting on NetBet”.

If you do not like the one that ChatGPT gives you, ask for another one by saying, “Please give me another catchy title with puns for this topic”. To save you time, you can even ask ChatGPT to list 10 title suggestions in prompt like this:

“Provide 10 catchy title suggestions using puns for a blog post about sports betting on NetBet”.

Ask ChatGPT for Blogging Topics

Maybe you need inspiration for different blogging topics because you cannot think of one. You can ask ChatGPT for however many blogging topics that you desire based on your niche. Then, ask in another prompt for headings that can be subtopics for the main topic that you select.


Fun fact: you can start new chats with ChatGPT so you can separate your topics accordingly. Remember not to lump your conversations all in one chat because it will be difficult to find the content when you need it again. Start using ChatGPT to get your website business off the ground today!

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