
Archit Sharma
Archit Sharma

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Working with Cookies in JavaScript🍪

1. Test if cookies are enabled

If you want to check whether cookies are enabled before using them, you can use navigator.cookieEnabled:

if (navigator.cookieEnabled === false)
 alert("Warning: Cookies are not enabled in your browser!");

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Note that on older browsers navigator.cookieEnabled may not exist, so in that case you won't detect that cookies are not enabled.

2. Adding and Setting Cookies

Cookies are saved in name-value pairs : username = Jack
To simply create a cookie you can use document.cookie property

You can also add an expiry date (in UTC time) and a path parameter, you can tell the browser what path the cookie belongs to.

Here is an example setup:

// Define cookie properties
const COOKIE_NAME = "ExampleCookie";   // The cookie's name
const COOKIE_VALUE = "Hello, Cookie!";  // The cookie's value
const COOKIE_PATH = "/example/jack";       // The cookie's path

// Calculate the expiration time (1 minute in the future)
const expirationTime = new Date( + 60000); // 60000ms = 1 minute

// Format expiration time to UTC string
const COOKIE_EXPIRES = expirationTime.toUTCString();

// Set the cookie with the defined properties
document.cookie = `${COOKIE_NAME}=${COOKIE_VALUE}; expires=${COOKIE_EXPIRES}; path=${COOKIE_PATH}`;

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3. Reading Cookies

To read cookies document.cookie property will return all cookies in one string like: cookie1=value; cookie2=value; cookie3=value;

4. Removing Cookies

To remove a cookie, you don't have to specify a cookie value. Just set the expires parameter to a past date:

document.cookie = `${COOKIE_NAME}=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=${COOKIE_PATH};`;
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