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Discussion on: Yes, I was a Digital Nomad. No, it didn't work out like I thought it would.

imdanielpiva profile image
daniel piva

Hi, Bram, what an awesome article!

How was your productivity along of your experience?

bramses profile image
Bram Adams

Hi Daniel, thank you so much! :)

That's a great question. I think my productivity definitely took a hit in the traditional sense (sitting in one place and working for hours at a time) because an important part of traveling is to engage with the culture you've moved to.

For example, if my task was to write a bug fix for an endpoint, it would be easier to stay "productive" in a familiar environment. This is because I didn't have to think about what I was going to eat for lunch, what clothes I was going to wear, etc. I could simply focus on the task at hand.

In exchange, you get a ton of new creative insights because of the unfamiliar environment :)

imdanielpiva profile image
daniel piva • Edited

Thank you very much for your answer! It'll help me a lot in the next months as I'm planning to try a period as "Digital Nomad".

Would you mind telling about how was the loneliness part? I'm asking about this because I'm 20 now and I worry that this could be the worst part for me, although I'm quite used to "loneliness", it's been a couple months since I moved out from my parents' now, but being in the same city allows me to check on my family whenever I want or hangout with my friends so it's hardly been a problem.

Thanks in advance, Bram!!!

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bramses profile image
Bram Adams • Edited

I may have to respond with a non satisfying answer here: "it depends". :p Basically, if your personality rewards you by being outgoing, you'll have no trouble making friends. There is a ramp up time of being in a new culture/learning the customs, but if you do more listening than talking, people are very friendly and willing to teach, I've found. If you're not a member already, I highly recommend Their Slack channel is dope and very active for many cities across the world.

I was definitely lonely a lot, though. Relationships with people you know and trust (family + close friends) generally outweigh brand new relationships, because trust is already established!