Hey there, fellow developers! 👋
You know what's funny? I recently hit a roadblock with cookie management in my recent project
Let me show you how to level up your cookie game!
What is cookie
A cookie (also known as a web cookie or browser cookie) is a small piece of data a server sends to a user's web browser. The browser may store cookies, create new cookies, modify existing ones, and send them back to the same server with later requests.
-- This is primarily used for session management, personalization and tracking.
The Cookie Basics
Think of cookies as small data packets your server sends to users' browsers. They're super handy for things like keeping users logged in or remembering their preferences.
Server-Side Cookie Configuration:
const options = {
httpOnly: true,
secure: true,
sameSite: "none"
return res
.cookie("accessToken", accessToken, options)
.cookie("refreshToken", refreshToken, options)
new Apiresponse(
user: loggedInUser
"User logged In Successfully"
Here is a simple example of how you can send cookies from your server to browser.
Here, I have set two cookies in the response:
- An access token for short-term authentication
- A refresh token for getting new access tokens
In the 'options' I have taken httpOnly, secure, sameSite. These are essential options to set your cookie parameters and security.
These options create secure cookies:
httpOnly: true prevents client-side JavaScript from accessing the cookie, protecting against XSS attacks
secure: true ensures cookies are only transmitted over HTTPS
sameSite: "none" allows the cookie to be sent in cross-origin requests, which is needed for your frontend-backend communication
I was actually having problems in thissameSite
Client-Side Cookie Handling:
const loginResponse = await axios.post(
{ email, password },
{ withCredentials: true }
if (loginResponse.data.data) {
const userResponse = await axios.get(
withCredentials: true // This will automatically send the cookies
In the client side, when the user is loggedin a cookie is sent from the server to browser and _loginResponse_
become true then I am sending a request to my server to get the cookie from browser using _withCredentials: true_
and make a database query. As a response I get the user data.
That's simple and easy right?
What other options in cookie
const options = {
expires: new Date(Date.now() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), // Expires in 24 hours
maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // Alternative way to set expiry in milliseconds
domain: '.example.com', // Cookie available on all subdomains
path: '/', // Cookie available for entire domain
expires vs maxAge: Use either one, not both. maxAge is generally preferred as it's relative to the current time
domain: Be careful with this setting as it affects security. Only set it if you need cross-subdomain accesssameSite:
'strict' is most secure but restricts cross-site requests
'lax' is a good default
'none' requires secure: true'signed': Requires your server to have a secret key configured
partitioned: New feature for privacy, not supported by all browsers yet.
That's all from my side. Hope this helps. Also this is my first article so expects some roasting from you guys.
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