DEV Community

Discussion on: Send React Web3 Transactions via MetaMask with useDapp

intergalactictrash profile image
intergalactictrash • Edited

A lot of people have also been having this issue ( It appears to be an issue with with Metamask using EIP-1559 type transactions.

FIXED: See the workaround provided here (

If you're following this tutorial:

1.) Simply copy/paste the code provided in the workaround link into a new file "workaround.ts".
2.) At the top of src/hooks/index.ts, import useContractFunction from your new workaround.ts file instead of from "@usedapp/core".
3.) Note where the variable/const "contract" is assigned in src/hooks/index.ts. Then replace that line with the below code.

declare const window: any;
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const signer = provider.getSigner()
const counterContractInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(counterContractAbi);
export const contract = new Contract(counterContractAddress, counterContractInterface, signer);

jacobedawson profile image
Jacob E. Dawson

Hey - thanks a lot for sharing that info, I only just saw these recent comments! I believe a lot of issues are being causes in Dapps at the moment due to interactions between MetaMask regarding EIP-1559, hopefully they'll be resolved soon.