DEV Community

Sameer Zaidi
Sameer Zaidi

Posted on

MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV

What I built

A minimalistic To-Do List web application.

Category Submission:

Choose Your Own Adventure

App Link

To-Do List


Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2


We have built a minimalistic To-Do List web application which allows user to enter their daily to-do tasks where they can track and mark them as completed upon each task completion and help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day.

Link to Source Code

MIT License

Permissive License

MIT License


Being an engineering student, we always have to manage between academics and your hobbies. Sometimes we miss the important deadlines as we tend to forget in rush of hours. So, a simple to - do list web application helps us keep track of all the daily task and makes sure that we no daily task goes out of our mind in the day.

How I built it

We used MongoDB to save To-Do tasks of each user separately on cloud so that task of all users doesn't get mixed, and each user can track their own task and their competition status. We got to learn about Mongo Database system and creating cluster and how efficiently we can store and access data on MongoDB Atlas and I enjoyed learning about these new features of the database.

Moreover, we had to work till late into the night because our college end semesters were going on, which was an experience in itself!

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