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SLOTS in Vue

Understanding Slots in Vue.js

Slots in Vue.js are a powerful feature that allows developers to create flexible and reusable components by enabling the passing of content from a parent component to a child component. This mechanism is particularly useful for creating components that can adapt their content based on different use cases.

What are Slots?

A slot is essentially a placeholder in a component's template where content can be injected. This is done using the element, which acts as an outlet for the parent-provided content. When a parent component uses a child component, it can specify what content should fill these slots.
What roles do slots play in dynamic and flexible component composition?

A slot in Vue.js is a way or mechanism for a component to accept and render content(s) provided by its parent component. In other words, a slot is a placeholder in a component’s template where the parent component can inject and customize content. Slots enable dynamic composition as the parent can provide specific content to be rendered within the slots of the child component.

What roles do slots play in dynamic and flexible component composition?

  • Dynamic Content Insertion: Slots allow the dynamic insertion of content into specific areas of a component, providing flexibility in how components can be composed.
  • Default Content: Components can define default content within slots, providing fallbacks if the parent component does not supply content for a particular slot.
  • Named Slots: Provide a way to designate specific insertion points within a component, allowing the parent component to insert content into these named slots.
  • Scoped Slots: Facilitate communication between parent and child components by allowing the child component to expose data to the parent.

Types of Slots

Default Slots:

A default slot is the most basic type, where any content placed between the opening and closing tags of a component will be rendered in the slot. For example:

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When using this component, any content inside the tags will be displayed where the is defined.

Named Slots:

Named slots allow for multiple slots within a single component. Each slot can be given a name, and the parent can specify which content goes into which slot. For example:

    <slot name="header"></slot>
    <slot></slot> <!-- Default slot -->
    <slot name="footer"></slot>

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In the parent component, you can specify content for each named slot:

  <template v-slot:header>
    <h1>This is the header</h1>
  <p>This is the default content.</p>
  <template v-slot:footer>
    <p>This is the footer</p>

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Scoped Slots:

Scoped slots provide a way to pass data from the child component back to the parent. This is useful when the parent needs to render content based on data from the child. The child component defines a slot with a scope, and the parent can access this data. For example:

  <slot :data="someData"></slot>
In the parent, you can access someData:
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<my-component v-slot="{ data }">
  <p>{{ data }}</p>
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What are Scoped slots?

Scoped slots in Vue.js provide a powerful way or mechanism for passing data and methods from child to parent components, unlike regular slots, which mainly handle content insertion.

Scoped slots facilitate bidirectional communication between components, allowing child components to expose specific data and functionalities to their parent components.

Scoped slots offer many benefits, of which I’ll highlight a few:

  • Data and Method Exposition
  • Customizable Content
  • Bidirectional Communication
  • Enhanced Component Reusability
  • Encapsulation of Logic
  • Avoidance of Prop Drilling

Benefits of Using Slots

  • Flexibility: Slots allow components to be more flexible and reusable, as they can accept different content based on the context in which they are used.
  • Separation of Concerns: By using slots, you can separate the component's structure from its content, making it easier to manage and maintain.
  • Dynamic Content: Slots enable dynamic rendering of content, allowing for more interactive and responsive user interfaces.

Slots in Vue.js are a powerful tool for creating dynamic and reusable components. By understanding how to use default, named, and scoped slots, developers can build flexible applications that adapt to various content needs. This feature enhances the composability of components, making it easier to manage complex UIs.

Using Slots in Vue.js

Let's create a Vue.js component that represents a pizza, allowing users to customize their pizza with various toppings using slots. This example will demonstrate how to use default slots, named slots, and scoped slots effectively.

Pizza Component

First, we will create a Pizza component that uses slots to allow customization:

  <div class="pizza">
    <h2>Your Custom Pizza</h2>
    <div class="pizza-base">
      <slot name="base">Thin Crust</slot> <!-- Default base if none provided -->
    <div class="pizza-toppings">
      <slot></slot> <!-- Default slot for toppings -->
    <div class="pizza-sauce">
      <slot name="sauce">Tomato Sauce</slot> <!-- Default sauce if none provided -->

export default {
  name: 'Pizza'

.pizza {
  border: 2px solid #ccc;
  padding: 20px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  text-align: center;
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Now, let's see how to use the Pizza component in a parent component, providing different toppings, a base, and a sauce:

      <template v-slot:base>
        <strong>Stuffed Crust</strong>

      <template v-slot>

      <template v-slot:sauce>
        <strong>BBQ Sauce</strong>

import Pizza from './Pizza.vue';

export default {
  components: {

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Let me explain

Pizza Component:

The Pizza component defines three slots:

  • A named slot for the base (), which defaults to "Thin Crust" if not provided.
  • A default slot for toppings (), where any content placed between the opening and closing tags of the Pizza component will be rendered.
  • Another named slot for the sauce (), which defaults to "Tomato Sauce".

Using the Pizza Component:

In the parent component, we use the Pizza component and provide custom content for each slot:
The base is set to "Stuffed Crust" using a named slot.
The toppings are provided in the default slot, listing cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, and olives.
The sauce is set to "BBQ Sauce" using another named slot.

Benefits of Using Slots

  • Customization: This approach allows users to customize their pizza easily by providing different bases, sauces, and toppings.
  • Reusability: The Pizza component can be reused with different configurations without modifying its internal structure.
  • Clarity: Using named slots makes it clear what each part of the pizza represents, improving code readability.

Slots vs. Props-based Communication

In Vue.js, both slots and props are essential mechanisms for component communication, but they serve different purposes and are used in different scenarios. Understanding the differences between them can help you choose the right approach for your component design.

Props-based Communication

Props are the primary way to pass data from a parent component to a child component. They allow you to define properties on a child component that can be set by the parent. This is particularly useful for passing simple data types, such as strings, numbers, or objects.

  • Use Case: Props are ideal when you need to pass data that the child component will use to render its content. For example, if you have a UserProfile component, you might pass a user object as a prop to display the user's information.
    <h1>{{ }}</h1>
    <p>{{ }}</p>

export default {
  props: {
    user: Object

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Slots-based Communication

Slots, on the other hand, are used to pass HTML content or templates from a parent component to a child component. This allows for greater flexibility in how the child component is rendered, as the parent can define the structure and content of the slot.

  • Use Case: Slots are particularly useful when you want to allow the parent to customize the layout or content of the child component. For instance, if you have a Card component, you might want to let the parent specify the header, body, and footer content.
  <div class="card">
    <slot name="header">Default Header</slot>
    <slot>Default Content</slot>
    <slot name="footer">Default Footer</slot>

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Key Differences

  • Purpose: Props are for passing data (JavaScript values) to child components. Slots are for passing HTML content or templates to child components.
  • Flexibility: Props provide a straightforward way to pass data but are limited to the data types you can pass. Slots allow for more complex and customizable content, enabling the parent to dictate how the child component should be rendered.
  • Use Cases: Use props when you need to pass data that the child component will use to render its content. Use slots when you want to allow the parent to customize the structure or layout of the child component.
  • Communication Direction: Props facilitate one-way communication from parent to child. Slots can facilitate more dynamic interactions, as the parent can define how the child should render its content based on the provided slot.


Slots in Vue.js provide a flexible way to create customizable components. In this pizza example, we demonstrated how to use default, named, and scoped slots to allow users to build their own pizzas with various toppings and sauces. This pattern enhances the reusability and clarity of components in your Vue applications

Happy Coding!

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