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Discussion on: So you think your password is strong

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

One thing I find helpful is to use a few latin or greek characters in my passwords.
å é î ø ü, etc. Theoretically those shouldn't exist in brute-force engines usually. Nice article :)

spo0q profile image
spO0q 🦄


Theoretically, english speakers will likely use english passwords, non-english speakers will likely use non-english passwords.

While it seems logical, I don't have statistics to back up that assertion.

I guess it adds a significant level of randomness to the password if you mix them with other chars, which is great, but the total length is still the most critical element, to me, as there are wordlists for all alphabets and charsets.

odysseaspapadimas profile image
Odysseas Papadimas • Edited

As a greek person personally I've never used a greek character in a password and I don't think anyone really does

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