DEV Community

Discussion on: Is VDom still faster?

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

I had exactly those in mind but this tests seem fishi to me.

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peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited

Clone the repository and see for yourself…

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ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

I will lets look how the tests will be over 10k rows

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efpage profile image

Adding 10K rows is possibly not what most Websites do. And the initial question was not: who is the fastest number cruncher.

The question was: There are two systems in a pipeline to optimize the screen update:

  • A VDom
  • The browser engine

If the browser engine is slow and stupid, a virtual DOM will be helpful in most cases. But if the browser engine is fast and smart, maybe it does a better job than a VDom. The Chrome core was written in C++, which could be faster than Javascript.

AND: the browser knows, what is visible on the screen, while the VDom does not. So, from the point of user experience, there is a good chance that a browser does a better job if he does not need to wait for a slow VDom.

Caution slow

I think, the only way to find out is to perform some tests with and without VDom active.

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ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

Ok I need to say I tried Solid JS today and my mind is kind of blown away.

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efpage profile image

Could you give us more information about your background and expectation? What precisely blew your mind?

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ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic • Edited

My background? Eckhard is not the type of guy who can ask questions like that.

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efpage profile image

What´s your problem? Just tried to understand your previous answer.