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[Comment from a deleted post]
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Jacob Boyd

Like many of the comments are saying VS Code isn't an IDE. I do use it along side my IDEs though. Front end web development is great for VS Code, and I would even say when creating most scripts.

I like to use an IDE when working on backend of websites/APIs. They, imo, provide much better or smoother debugging workflows. It is possible to set many of those same features within VS Code, but IDEs like Visual Studio for dotnet, JetBrains for Java or Php(i've never used WebStorm) or Xcode for iOS development.

Saying one IDE is better than another is all a matter of taste, at least when working with the majors like Visual Studio or JetBrains products. Both are backed by great companies and both have a horde of users.

At the end of the day they are toolboxes, rather you want your screwdrivers on the right-side or left-side is up to you. The important thing is becoming familiar and comfortable with your toolbox, and then try pushing the limits of your tools.