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James Clerk
James Clerk

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Web 3.0 and mobile app development - what to understand

Web 3.0 and mobile app development - what to understand

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We begin the article by learning a bit about all of the web forms like Web 1.0, 2.0, and of course, web 3.0.
Web 1.0 wasn’t exactly as impressive as everyone thought it would be. The Web 1.0 universe was static. It was a place where people went for finding information. This information was provided by businesses, companies, and state authorities.
Only a handful of individuals contributed to creating and amending online content. Websites were merely information repositories that users would only read.
The web evolved as soon as new technologies were created and eventually adopted. It became more interactive and social. People usually call Web 2.0 the social web. Social media platforms were made during the Web 2.0 era. People interacted with each other there and made user-generated content.
Vast reams and streams of user-generated content helped with the evolution of Web 2.0 as a force that challenged traditional media companies. It in fact disrupted many industries and created the gig economy.
Yet people still wonder in what ways will Web 3.0 be any better than its predecessor. In all honesty, Web 3.0 is bringing new technologies to the horizon. It has exhibited the way it works. It is also challenging numerous industries.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are making a lot of noise lately. They have improved their understanding of content in computers. They are also helping users obtain the needed information and content. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a brainchild of Web 3.0.
The web went mobile as well and is now all around us. Blockchain technology and distributed ledgers changed the practices of viewing and storing data.

Understanding Web 3.0
It is however tricky to pin down the definition of Web 3.0, it can however be safely said that its definition involves a smart web ecosystem that is found everywhere. Its hallmarks are more decentralized data, individually owned data, and improved security via blockchain technology.
As it can be observed easily that Web 3.0 is not just some piece of technology. A lot of people still ask about its official release date. However, it is important to understand releasing Web 3.0 is not a piece of cake.
A few apps of Web 3.0 are already available (such as Apple’s Siri) and Filecoin’s decentralized storage app. But somehow they are an isolated archipelago of Web 3.0 islands in the Ocean of Web 2.0.

Key features of Web 3.0
Here are some amazing features of Web 3.0:

It utilizes AI and ML
The development and proposed usage of both AI and ML go back to the semantic web of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It basically means that computers have a much better understanding of emotions and languages.

This will give machines the chance to understand and compile data more accurately and even provide more custom and unbiased information to users. AI and ML can also make predictions, as well as decisions based on the information at hand.

The rise of Blockchain
Blockchain is more than just cryptocurrency. It is about decentralizing and distributing data across various nodes. It puts both data and security in the hands of end-users. Data is distributed across the network. It means that data will no longer be controlled by an individual entity.

Hence governments won’t be able to block or close access to information easily. Trust is also shared among the wide networks of users.

Ever-present computing plus the Internet of Things (IoT)
They both sound quite complicated. Yet they mean that computing devices and computing power will be present almost everywhere. Smartphones and computers aren’t the only devices connecting to the internet, smartwatches, smart fridges plus doorbells, and smart locks along with cars having internet-connected sensors are connected to the internet.
Amazon’s Alexa is another example of IoT and the web going beyond traditional boundaries and devices.

Professionals from a company of mobile app development Dubai reveal that decentralization, edge computing, various new protocols, and identity validation are the hallmarks of Web 3.0. It is aimed at decentralizing the internet and streamlining mobile apps via IoT. This can make devices much smarter and more user-friendly in comparison to the previous generation of mobile apps.

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