DEV Community

Discussion on: Project 49 of 100 - Search with Autocomplete

jameshubert_com profile image
James Hubert

Thanks Orim! It's really hard... I'm not going to lie. Sometimes I can't do a project in a day and I have to do an extra one on the weekend when I have time. But overall I think the effort it's a good strategy.

Let me know if you do a #100daysofreact or #100daysofcode! I will rep you on and on Twitter :)

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orimdominic profile image
Orim Dominic Adah

I don't feel you MUST do a project each day. By what you've said, it's already leading to burnout. You are a human and you should take care of yourself. You are more useful to the world when you're healthy.
That being said, you can skip some days. It's #100DaysOfProjects, not #100ConsecutiveDaysOfProjects.
I'll let you know definitely if I ever start one.

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imshubh17 profile image
Shubham Singh

yes you are right, but for app hosting feature can be more in deployment

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jameshubert_com profile image
James Hubert

Thanks Orim. I think you're right- and please do :)