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Prarup Gurung for JankariTech

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Fundamentals of Go - FARMISS

"Journey With Go - A Blog Series" about the basics of Go Go Basic, advanced concepts in Go Go Beyond Basics, testing with Go Godog as Test Framework, and many more.

This is the third installment of the series. You are here, which means you have most likely read the first and second blogs of the series. If you haven't, please read them first Go Basics, Control Statements.

In this blog, we will learn about the Rune, String, Array, Function, Struct, Method, and Interface in Go.

So, let's get started.

1. Rune

In Go, a rune is a built-in type that represents a Unicode code point. A rune-literal is expressed as one or more characters enclosed in single quotes, as in 'x' or '\n'. Each Unicode code point corresponds to a unique character, which can be a letter, a numeral, a symbol, or an emoji.


package main

import (

func main() {
  var om rune = 'ॐ'             // rune literal declared using the `rune` keyword, use single quotes
  fmt.Println(om)               // prints the Unicode code point for the Om symbol
  fmt.Printf("%T\n", om)        // prints the underlying type of rune
  fmt.Println(string(om))       // prints the string representation of the Om symbol

  // more examples
  var heart rune = '♥'

  var smiley rune = '😀'
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It is particularly important when dealing with text in different languages or when working with special symbols and emojis. It ensures that each character is treated as a single entity, regardless of its complexity or language.

2. String

In Go, a string is a sequence of bytes (not characters) that is used to represent text. Strings are immutable, which means that once created, their values cannot be changed. However, you can assign a new value to a string variable, which will create a new string.

Note: The rune is encoded with single quotes, whereas the string is encoded with double quotes.


package main

import (

func main() {
  // declaring a variable `greeting` of type string using the `string` keyword
  var greeting string = "Hello, World!"
  fmt.Println(greeting)                 // it prints the value of the `greeting`
  fmt.Printf("%T\n", greeting)          // it prints the type of the `greeting`
  fmt.Println(len(greeting))            // it prints the length of bytes in the `greeting`
  fmt.Println(greeting[0])              // it prints the byte code of the char in index 0
  fmt.Println(string(greeting[0]))      // it prints the string representation of the char in index 0
  fmt.Println("Hello, " + "World!")     // it prints the concatenated string `Hello, ` and `World!` with `+`

  // try to change the value at index 1, i.e. `e` to `E` in the `greeting`
  greeting[1] = 'E'                     // it gives an error `cannot assign to greeting[1]`

  // try to assign the new value of the `greeting` to `Hello, Nepal!`
  greeting = "Hello, Nepal!"            // it creates a new string `Hello, Nepal!` and assigns it to the `greeting`
  fmt.Println(greeting)                 // it prints the new value of the `greeting`
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Hello, World!
Hello, World!
cannot assign to greeting[1]
Hello, Nepal!
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2.1. Slicing of a String

Slicing is a mechanism to extract a portion of a string. It is done by specifying the start and end indices of the part of the string that you want to extract. The syntax for slicing a string is string[start:end].

Taking the above greeting variable as an example:

slice output description
greeting[7:] World! It gives the sub-string from index 7 to the end
greeting[:5] Hello It gives the sub-string from the beginning to index 5, excluding index 5 value
greeting[7:12] World It gives the sub-string from index 7 to index 12, including index 7 and excluding index 12 value
greeting[:] Hello, World! It gives the entire string, same as printing greeting

2.2. Iterating over a String

Strings are immutable, but you can iterate over them using a for loop with range.


package main

import (

func main() {
  greeting := "Hello, World!"
  for index, char := range greeting {
    fmt.Printf("Index: %d, Value: %c\n", index, char)
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Index: 0, Value: H
Index: 1, Value: e
Index: 2, Value: l
Index: 3, Value: l
Index: 4, Value: o
Index: 5, Value: ,
Index: 6, Value:
Index: 7, Value: W
Index: 8, Value: o
Index: 9, Value: r
Index: 10, Value: l
Index: 11, Value: d
Index: 12, Value: !
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2.3. len Vs RuneCountInString

The len function returns the number of bytes in a string, whereas the utf8.RuneCountInString function returns the number of runes in a string.


package main

import (

func main() {
    // let's look at the example of English language
    greeting := "Hello, World!"
    fmt.Println(len(greeting))                            // it prints the number of bytes in the string given by len function
    fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(greeting))         // it prints the number of runes in the string given by utf8.RuneCountInString function

    // Now, take an example of Nepali language
    greetingInNepali := "नमस्कार संसार";
    fmt.Println(len(greetingInNepali))                    // it prints the number of bytes in the string given by len function
    fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(greetingInNepali)) // it prints the number of runes in the string given by utf8.RuneCountInString function
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In the example for the English language, the value returned by the len function is the same as the value returned by the utf8.RuneCountInString function.

However, for the Nepali language, the value returned by the len function is different from the value returned by the utf8.RuneCountInString function. This is because the Nepali language uses the UTF-8 encoding scheme, which uses 3 bytes to represent a single character. Therefore, the string "नमस्कार संसार" has 37 bytes, but only 13 runes.

3. Array

In Go, an array is a fixed-length sequence of elements of the same type, but the content of the array is mutable (i.e., can be changed). Arrays are useful when you know the number of elements that you want to store in advance.

3.1. Declaration of Array

Declaration of an array can be done using the following syntax:


var <array_name> [<size>] <data_type>
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package main

import (

func main(){
    // declaring an array of type int with 5 elements
    var numbers [5]int
    fmt.Println(numbers)              // by default 0 will be assigned to array elements

    // declaring an array of type string with 3 elements
    var languages [3]string
    fmt.Println(languages)            // by default empty array will be created

    // declaring an array of type bool with 2 elements
    var truths [2]bool
    fmt.Println(truths)               // by default false will be assigned to array elements

    // declaring an array of type float64 with 4 elements
    var scores [4]float64
    fmt.Println(scores)               // by default 0 will be assigned to array elements
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[0 0 0 0 0]
[  ]
[false false]
[0 0 0 0]
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3.2. Initialization of Array

You can initialize an array using the following syntax:


var <array_name> [<size>] <data_type> = [<size>]<data_type>{<comma-separated-values>}
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package main

import (

func main(){
    // initialization of an array of type int with 3 elements
    var numbers [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
    fmt.Println(numbers)              // prints the value of integer array

    // initialization of an array of type string with 3 elements
    var languages [3]string = [3]string{"Go", "Python", "JavaScript"}
    fmt.Println(languages)            // prints the value of string array

    // initialization of an array of type bool with 2 elements
    var truths [2]bool = [2]bool{true, false}
    fmt.Println(truths)               // prints the value of boolean array

    // initialization of an array of type float64 with 3 elements
    var scores [3]float64 = [3]float64{9.5, 8.2, 7.8}
    fmt.Println(scores)               // prints the value of float64 array
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[1 2 3]
[Go Python JavaScript]
[true false]
[9.5 8.2 7.8]
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3.3. Manipulation of Array

You can manipulate an array using the following syntax:


<array_name>[<index>] = <value>
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package main

import (

func main() {
  var numbers [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
  fmt.Println(numbers)              // prints the value of the array

  // changing the value of the first element
  numbers[0] = 4
  fmt.Println(numbers)              // prints the new value of the array

  // accessing an element of the array
  fmt.Println(numbers[0])           // prints the value of the first element

  // adding a new element to the array is not possible
  numbers[3] = 5                    // invalid array index 3 (out of bounds for 3-element array)

  // accessing an element of non-existing index is not possible
  fmt.Println(numbers[3])           // invalid array index 3 (out of bounds for 3-element array)
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[1 2 3]
[4 2 3]
invalid argument: index 3 out of bounds
invalid argument: index 3 out of bounds
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3.4. Array Length

You can get the length of an array using the len function.


package main

import (

func main() {
  var numbers [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
  fmt.Println(len(numbers))     // prints the length of the array
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3.5. Iterating over Array

You can iterate over an array using a for loop with range.


package main

import (

func main() {
  var languages [3]string = [3]string{"Go", "Javascript", "Python"}
  for index, language := range languages {
    fmt.Printf("Index: %d, Value: %s\n", index, language)
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Index: 0, Value: Go
Index: 1, Value: Javascript
Index: 2, Value: Python
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An alternative way to iterate over an array is to use a for loop with the length of the array.


package main

import (

func main() {
  var languages [3]string = [3]string{"Go", "Javascript", "Python"}
  for i := 0; i < len(languages); i++ {
    fmt.Printf("Index: %d, Value: %s\n", i, languages[i])
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Index: 0, Value: Go
Index: 1, Value: Javascript
Index: 2, Value: Python
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4. Function

In Go, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Functions are useful when you want to reuse the same code multiple times. They also help in organizing your code into smaller chunks, which makes it easier to read and maintain.

4.1. Function Definition

A function must be defined before it can be called. A function definition must have a name and a body with an optional list of parameters and a return type. In Go, the func keyword is used to define a function.

A function can be defined using the following syntax:


func <function_name>(<comma-separated-parameters>) <return_type> {
  // function body is the code that is executed when the function is called
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// defining a function named `greet`
func greet(name string) {           // function name is `greet`, parameter is `name` of type string
  fmt.Println("Hello, " + name)     // function body enclosed in curly braces
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In the above example, we have declared a function named greet that takes a string parameter named name and returns nothing.

4.2. Function Call

A function can be called using the following syntax:


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package main

import (

func greet(name string) {
  fmt.Println("Hello, " + name)

func main() {
  greet("World")    // Calling the `greet` function
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Hello, World
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4.3. Function Parameters

The function can have zero or more parameters. Parameters are variables that are used to pass values to a function. They are declared in the function definition. The values passed to a function are called arguments.


package main

import (

// defining a function named `printHelloWorld` without parameters
func printHelloWorld() {
  fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

// defining a function named `add` that takes two integer parameters
func add(a int, b int) {
  fmt.Println(a + b)

func main() {
  printHelloWorld()                // Calling the `printHelloWorld` function, without arguments
  add(1, 2)                        // Calling the `add` function, with two arguments
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Hello, World!
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4.4. Function Return Type

A function can return zero or more values. The return type of a function is declared in the function definition. If a function returns more than one value, then the return types are enclosed in parentheses.


package main

import (

// defining a function named `greet` that takes a string parameter and returns nothing
func greet(name string) {
  fmt.Println("Hello, " + name)

// defining a function named `add` that takes two integer parameters and returns an integer
func add(a int, b int) int {
  return a + b              // `return` keyword is used to return values from a function

// defining a function named `swap` that takes two integer parameters and returns two integers
func swap(a int, b int) (int, int) {
  return b, a

func main() {
  greet("World")            // Calling the `greet` function
  fmt.Println(add(1, 2))    // Calling the `add` function

  sum := add(3,6)           // Also, the `add` function can be called and store the returned value in variable `sum`

  x, y := swap(1, 2)        // Calling the `swap` function and storing the returned values in variables `x` and `y`
  fmt.Println(x, y)
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Hello, World
2 1
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5. Struct

In Go, a struct is a composite data type that represents a collection of fields. It is useful for grouping related data together. Structs are useful when you want to model real-world entities that have multiple properties. Struct is also known as a user-defined type.

5.1. Struct Definition

The struct keyword is used to define a struct in Go.

A struct can be defined using the following syntax:


type <struct_name> struct {
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package main

// defining a struct named `Student` with three fields `name`, `phone number`, `address`
type Student struct {
  name        string
  phoneNumber int
  address     string
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5.2. Struct Initialization

A struct can be initialized using the following syntax:


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package main

import (

type Student struct {
  name        string
  phoneNumber int
  address     string

func main() {
  // initializing a struct named `student` with three fields `name`, `phone number`, `address`
  student := Student{"John Doe", 1234567890, "Kathmandu"}       // order of values must match the order of fields
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{John Doe 1234567890 Kathmandu}
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5.3. Manipulation of Struct Fields

The struct fields are variables that are used to store values in a struct. They are declared in the struct definition. Fields can be manipulated using the dot operator.


package main

import (

type Student struct {
  name        string
  phoneNumber int
  address     string

func main() {
  student := Student{"John Doe", 1234567890, "Kathmandu"}

  // accessing a field of a struct

  // changing the value of a field = "Jane Doe"
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{John Doe 1234567890 Kathmandu}
John Doe
Jane Doe
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6. Method

In Go, a method is a function that is associated with a type. It is useful for grouping related functions together. Methods are useful when you want to model real-world entities that have multiple behaviors. Methods are also known as functions with receivers.

6.1. Method Definition

A method can be defined using the following syntax:


func (<receiver>) <method_name>(<comma-separated-parameters>) <return_type> {
  // method body is the code that is executed when the method is called
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package main

type Triangle struct {
      base   float64
      height float64

// defining a method named `area` that takes no parameters and returns a float64
func (t Triangle) area() float64 {
  return 0.5 * t.base * t.height
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In the above example, we have defined a method associated with a struct named Triangle by adding a receiver to the function definition. The receiver is the name of the struct that the method is associated with. The receiver is enclosed in parentheses before the method name.

6.2. Method Call

A method can be called using the following syntax:


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package main

import (

type Triangle struct {
      base   float64
      height float64

func (t Triangle) area() float64 {
  return 0.5 * t.base * t.height

func main() {
  triangle := Triangle{base: 10, height: 5}

  // calling the `area` method
  area := triangle.area()                                           // triangle is the receiver
  fmt.Println("Area of triangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", area))
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{10 5}
Area of triangle is 25.00
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6.3. Function Vs Method

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task whereas a method is a function that is associated with a type. We can create multiple methods of the same name associated with different types, but the function name must be different (see an example of 7.2).

Let's see the difference between a function and a method with the help of an example.


package main

import (

// defining a function named `getAreaOfTriangle` that takes two float64 parameters and returns a float64
func getAreaOfTriangle(base float64, height float64) float64 {
  return 0.5 * base * height

type Triangle struct {
    base   float64
    height float64

// defining a method named `getAreaOfTriangle` that takes no parameters and returns a float64
func (t Triangle) getAreaOfTriangle() float64 {
  return 0.5 * t.base * t.height

func main() {
  // calling the `getAreaOfTriangle` function
  area := getAreaOfTriangle(10, 5)
  fmt.Println("Area of triangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", area))

  triangle := Triangle{base: 10, height: 5}                         // creating a new instance of the `Triangle` struct

  // calling the `getAreaOfTriangle` method
  area = triangle.getAreaOfTriangle()                               // triangle is the receiver
  fmt.Println("Area of triangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", area))
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Area of triangle is 25.00
{10 5}
Area of triangle is 25.00
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So, in the above example, we have defined a function named area that takes two float64 parameters and returns a float64. We have also defined a method named area that takes no parameters and returns a float64. The function and the method have the same name, but they are different because the function is not associated with any type, whereas the method is associated with the Triangle struct.

7. Interface

In Go, an interface is a collection of method signatures. It is useful for grouping related methods together. Interfaces are useful when you want to model real-world entities that have multiple behaviors.

7.1. Interface Definition

The interface keyword is used to define an interface in Go.

An interface can be defined using the following syntax:


type <interface_name> interface {
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package main

// defining an interface named `Shape` with a method signature `area` and `perimeter`
type Shape interface {
  area() float64
  perimeter() float64
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In the above example, we have defined an interface named Shape with a method signature area and perimeter. An interface can have zero or more method signatures. A method signature is the name of the method and its parameters and return type.

7.2. Interface Implementation

A type implements an interface by implementing all the methods of the interface. A type can implement more than one interface.


package main

import (

type Shape interface {
  area() float64
  perimeter() float64

type Triangle struct {
  base   float64
  height float64

type Rectangle struct {
  length float64
  width  float64

// implementing a method `area` for the `Triangle` struct
func (t Triangle) area() float64 {
  return 0.5 * t.base * t.height

// implementing a method `perimeter` for the `Triangle` struct
func (t Triangle) perimeter() float64 {
  return t.base + t.height + math.Sqrt(math.Pow(t.base, 2)+math.Pow(t.height, 2))

// implementing a method `area` for the `Rectangle` struct
func (r Rectangle) area() float64 {
  return r.length * r.width

// implementing a method `perimeter` for the `Rectangle` struct
func (r Rectangle) perimeter() float64 {
  return 2 * (r.length + r.width)

func main() {
  var triangle Shape = Triangle{base: 10, height: 5}

  area := triangle.area()                                                       // calling the `area` method associated with the `Triangle` struct
  fmt.Println("Area of triangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", area))

  perimeter := triangle.perimeter()                                             // calling the `perimeter` method associated with the `Triangle` struct
  fmt.Println("Perimeter of triangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", perimeter))

  var rectangle Shape = Rectangle{length: 10, width: 5}

  area = rectangle.area()                                                       // calling the `area` method associated with the `Rectangle` struct
  fmt.Println("Area of rectangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", area))

  perimeter = rectangle.perimeter()
  fmt.Println("Perimeter of rectangle is " + fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", perimeter))    // calling the `perimeter` method associated with the `Rectangle` struct
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{10 5}
Area of triangle is 25.00
Perimeter of triangle is 26.18
{10 5}
Area of rectangle is 50.00
Perimeter of rectangle is 30.00
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What we have learned so far

In this blog, we have learned how to declare, define, manipulate, and use the following terms in the Go language:

  • Rune
  • String
  • Array
  • Function
  • Struct
  • Method
  • Interface

In the next blog, we will learn about some advanced topics like Errors, Goroutines, and Channels in the Go language.

Keep Learning and Keep Practicing 👍

Stay tuned!!!


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