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Jason Omondi
Jason Omondi

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Flutter State Management: Accessing Scaffold State with GlobalKey

In Flutter, a widget's "scope" refers to its enclosing widget tree and the context in which it is defined. While a widget can access properties and methods of its immediate parent and itself, accessing widgets higher up (ancestors) or lower down (descendants) in the tree can be challenging.

In certain scenarios, you may encounter situations where you need to interact with a widget outside your current scope. For instance, you might want a button in a child widget to trigger an action in its parent or activate a function in a deeply nested widget that affects a top-level widget.

For such cases, the Scaffold widget plays a pivotal role. It offers methods like openDrawer(), showSnackBar(), etc., which control its behavior and perform scaffold-related actions.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      key: _scaffoldKey,
      // ... rest of the widget ...
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The Case

In a recent scenario, I utilized the _scaffoldKey to render a drawer. In Flutter's architecture, the Scaffold widget employs a GlobalKey to manage and control its state. The GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> is indispensable when you must access scaffold widget properties and methods beyond its immediate scope.

My specific case involved opening the drawer from a child widget, where the drawer resided at the top level of the widget tree—beyond the child's scope. To achieve this, I needed a way to access the ScaffoldState of the Scaffold widget.

Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Upon defining a Scaffold widget, it generates a ScaffoldState object that encapsulates the current scaffold state.
  • To access the scaffold's state, you need a reference to the ScaffoldState object. This is where the GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> proves invaluable.
  • By defining a GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>, you can associate it with the Scaffold widget using the key property. This establishes a link to the ScaffoldState within the Scaffold widget.
  • Upon tapping the menu icon (housed in a GestureDetector within the child widget), we invoke the openDrawer() method on the ScaffoldState obtained from _scaffoldKey. This action triggers the opening of the drawer.
  onTap: () {
  child: Icon(,
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In conclusion, leveraging _scaffoldKey with GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> furnishes us with a mechanism to engage with the Scaffold widget and access its state from a child widget. This capability proves pivotal for executing actions such as drawer opening, snack bar presentation, bottom sheet display, and more—actions that mandate interaction with the Scaffold widget from the child widget's contextual domain.

Image description

Remember, this technique empowers you to extend your widget's reach and enables seamless communication and interaction across different parts of your widget tree in Flutter.

Top comments (2)

demabio profile image

Good Stuff Jason

jasonomondi profile image
Jason Omondi

Many thanks!