DEV Community

Jawad Ali Abbasi
Jawad Ali Abbasi

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APACHE AGE 1.3.0 Release For PostgreSQL 13 | Features


So let's get on with the exciting new features in the newest release of Apache AGE which is AGE 1.3.0 for PostgreSQL 13.

This release adds additional functionality to the previous versions along with many bug fixes. Some of them are:

Graph names with the empty string '' are no more allowed.

Fix typos at multiple locations.

Fix Bug with CALL... [YIELD], clause ignores WHERE.

Invalid labels now return NULL.

These are just a few of the many new features in this release. A complete list of new features and bug fixes will be provided in the next blog. Be on the Lookout for that!

Okay so after spending some time with the new release, I checked some features and the results are as follows:

All tests Pass 24/24.

CALL ...[YIELD] works fine for cypher functions as described.

Graph names with empty strings are no more allowed. NEAT!

Many typos have been fixed as described.

Reviewed many other changes:

Signature and Hash | Checked!

Tags and Links | Checked!

LICENCE and NOTICE | Checked!

No unexpected binary files | Checked!

Overall, the release 1.3.0 looks good and is ready to take on the world.

Learn more here:

Thank You!

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