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Learning how to learn: CS Edition

Carlos García on October 09, 2018

I never thought I would be a Software Engineer, back when I was little I used to have the firm conviction to be an Architect, but something happene...
realedwintorres profile image
Edwin Torres

Somewhere in that post, practice is implied. Each program you write, no matter how small, increases your understanding of CS. This is something that develops over time. You can't just read and understand these concepts. Practice is everything.

jcharliegarciam profile image
Carlos García

That is correct. I really forgot to write that, but you are absolutely right. I used to do a lot of extra work after class (Right now I don't do it very often because my school + work schedule consumes all my time)

I guess that I think that practice is a must do and that is the reason why I didn't write it down. Thank you very much for the observation!

redimido profile image
Gabriel Orozco R. V.

remember those nights of searching online in a lot of videos, web pages, books, everything... just to bring to my head new questions. I was totally lost.

Man, I can relate. It happens to me all the time. But still I learn because I have to. And I do it.

It takes more effort for me than to my colleges but I still do it.

pedropcruz profile image
Pedro Cruz

Thanks for the motivation you have shown on this post!!! What a huge post!!!

computersmiths profile image

Indeed: Before I actually did SQL I knew it was hard and complicated and scary. Now that I’ve done it, it’s open the database, pick a table, and pretty much INSERT and SELECT. I’d add two caveats:

Start simple, (if available) use the cli to do the above manually, then write the simplest possible program, and expand from there.

Don’t be afraid to use Google or copy and paste from Stack Overflow, but once you have the above simple program working, play with it till you do understand it.


codnificent profile image
Kingsley Aguchibe • Edited

Nice one. And thank you for sharing...
I'm a CS student too.
Turns out I don't enjoy what they teach in class. I prefer learning on my own...