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Project 2 Week 4 Update

How many elements did you end up going with? Why did you break it up that way?

I went with 3 elements: a search bar component, a badge component, and a badge list component containing the badges that were retrieved from the api. All 3 of these elements were included in an overall web page component creating the general layout of the page, but I wouldn't technically consider that an element. I broke it up that way because it seemed like the most intuitive way of breaking up the elements of the original web page.

What was the hardest aspect of this?

Wiring up the search function was by far the hardest part of this project. Most of the time I spent on the project was trying to get that feature to work.

What part of this project was easier than you expected?

Everything was pretty much as difficult as I imagined it if not harder. The only part that didn't cause me much difficulty was getting the HTML and CSS to look like the original web page.

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