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Native Code in .NET 5.0 and C# 9.0

A while back we covered working with native assemblies. It's worth re-reading to familiarize yourself with the problem and prior solutions. There's been a few new options introduced in .NET Core and .NET 5.0.


The NativeLibrary static class was introduced in .NET Core 3.0 and makes it easy to use DllImport in a portable way. To call a function nng_alloc() in a native shared library:

// In `nng.NETCore` managed assembly
namespace nng.Native.Basic
    public sealed class UnsafeNativeMethods
        public const string NngDll = "nng";

        [DllImport(NngDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern IntPtr nng_alloc(UIntPtr size);

// In assembly that references `nng.NETCore`
namespace benchmarks
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args) 
            NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(typeof(nng.Native.Basic.UnsafeNativeMethods).Assembly, DllImportResolver);
            // Calling DllImport'd method triggers resolver

        static IntPtr DllImportResolver(string libraryName, System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, DllImportSearchPath? searchPath)
            // Load platform-specific unmanaged shared library. e.g.:
            var path = "runtimes/osx-x64/native/libnng.dylib";
            return NativeLibrary.Load(path);
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None of the mess of calling dlopen() on Mac/*nix or LoadLibrary() on Windows to load a *.so or *.dll, respectively.

If DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES env variable is set before running the code:

dyld: loaded: <264EA187-4189-3CE5-82C3-9746FFE68B66> runtimes/osx-x64/native/libnng.dylib
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Function Pointers

.NET 5.0 and C# 9.0 introduced function pointers as "a performant way to call native functions from C#".

public class Pointer
    public void CallFunctionPointer()
        // Load platform-specific native library
        var handle = NativeLibrary.Load("xxx");
        // Get address of exported symbol
        var ptr = NativeLibrary.GetExport(handle, "nng_alloc");
        // Function pointers require `unsafe` context
            var nng_alloc = (delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<nuint, nint>)ptr;
            // Call through function pointer
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NativeLibrary.GetExport() returns the address of a symbol exported by a shared library. It effectively replaces calling the native functions GetProcAddress() and dlsym() on Windows and Mac/*nix, respectively.

Function pointers use the funky syntax delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<args, retval> (detailed here):

Part Description
delegate* Reuses delegate keyword and * denotes an unsafe pointer
unmanaged Either managed or unmanaged depending on the function
[Cdecl] Optional after managed. One or more comma-separated System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConv* values. Here CallConvCdecl
<args, retval> Function signature types- arguments followed by return value (same as System.Func)


A post on medium compared the performance of different interop approaches a few years ago. We can re-run the same comparison passing arguments by-value with .NET 5.0 using BenchmarkDotNet.

nng_aio_set_output(null, 9, null) should be a reasonable choice to benchmark native interop performance because for values greater than 3 it immediately returns EINVAL.

The results on a 2019 13" MacBook Pro with Quad-core i5 @ 2.4 GHz, 16 GB RAM, running macOS Big Sur (11.3), and .NET 5.0.101:

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
CallDelegate 16.989 ns 0.3568 ns 0.3163 ns 13.01 0.74
CallDllImport 7.184 ns 0.1639 ns 0.1279 ns 5.49 0.22
CallInterfaceToDllImport 10.939 ns 0.3972 ns 1.1711 ns 8.07 0.75
CallFunctionPointer 6.733 ns 0.1613 ns 0.2208 ns 5.22 0.30
CallManaged 1.305 ns 0.0548 ns 0.0563 ns 1.00 0.00

Looking at CallDllImport and CallFunctionPointer, function pointers are ~5-10% faster than DllImport.

CallDelegate uses Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate to call via a managed delegate. Similar to before, it's slowest by a sizeable margin.

CallInterfaceToDllImport is the way we're currently calling native functions in nng.NET; through an interface to static functions decorated with DllImport. Based on these results, leveraging NativeLibrary and function pointers we can reduce interop overhead by ~33%. Not too shabby.

To see what's going on, we can use ILSpy via the VSCode plugin to decompile the assembly. Open the Command Palette (CMD+SHIFT+E), run "ILSpy: Decompile IL Assembly (pick file)", and select the desired assembly/*.dll. In the Explorer View (CMD+SHIFT+E), browse to ILSPY DECOMPILED MEMBERS > benchmarks > Pointer > CallFunctionPointer:

    IL_0000: ldarg.0
    IL_0001: ldfld method int32 *(native int, uint32, native int) benchmarks.Pointer::nng_aio_set_output /* 04000003 */
    IL_0006: stloc.1
    IL_0007: ldsfld native int [System.Runtime]System.IntPtr::Zero /* 0A000015 */
    IL_000c: ldc.i4.s 9
    IL_000e: ldsfld native int [System.Runtime]System.IntPtr::Zero /* 0A000015 */
    IL_0013: ldloc.1
    IL_0014: calli unmanaged cdecl int32(native int, uint32, native int) /* 11000004 */
    IL_0019: stloc.0
    IL_001a: ret
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And the decompiled source:

public unsafe void CallFunctionPointer()
    IntPtr intPtr = nng_aio_set_output;
    int num = ((delegate* cdecl<IntPtr, uint, IntPtr, int>)intPtr)(IntPtr.Zero, 9u, IntPtr.Zero);
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So, for whatever reason it turns our function pointer into an IntPtr and then casts it to cdecl (which must be an internal symbol because we can't use it directly). But the key thing is the use of calli. Compare that with benchmarks > DllImport > CallDllImport:

    IL_0000: ldsfld valuetype [nng.NET.Shared]nng.Native.nng_aio [nng.NET.Shared]nng.Native.nng_aio::Null /* 0A000014 */
    IL_0005: ldc.i4.s 9
    IL_0007: ldsfld native int [System.Runtime]System.IntPtr::Zero /* 0A000015 */
    IL_000c: call int32 [nng.NET]nng.Native.Aio.UnsafeNativeMethods::nng_aio_set_output(valuetype [nng.NET.Shared]nng.Native.nng_aio, uint32, native int) /* 0A00001C */
    IL_0011: stloc.0
    IL_0012: ret
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DllImport uses call. Based on the docs for call and calli opcodes, call uses a "method descriptor" that is a "metadata token" (and works with virtual functions) while calli is just "a pointer to an entry point"- and apparently faster.

Additional reading:

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