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Discussion on: Do you feel like time is going faster ?

jennrmillerdev profile image
Jen Miller • Edited

interesting, it seems time is going faster too.
When I think about it, the priorities and things I like to work on have changed for me.

Early on in my career, I was super eager. Doing tons of side projects or gigs and meeting people at coding camps (or other tech social gatherings). I have since then changed what I focus on. I don't do side gigs anymore. I used to love it, the extra cash, meeting people, interesting projects. What interested me back then doesn't interest me now.

For example, even before the pandemic hit, I stopped going to tech gatherings and hanging out with "tech-friends". I hung out my "core" friends and family instead. I stopped getting so hyped about 'new' frameworks and just considered them yet another tool to solve a problem. For me, that meant, I was no longer super eager to finish work and get home to do other things.

I do "try" to focus on the mental health aspect in my life, which can be hard. That also makes me feel I have less time for the side projects I do want to do.....which I think why I feel like time is going faster for myself

vladned profile image
Vlad Nedelcu

For me in went the other way around :))
I have strated gathering gigs and hang out with intrresting people but events seems to last a 1 hour even if 2-3 hours pass by.
How did you tackle this phenomenon ?

jennrmillerdev profile image
Jen Miller

to be honest, I don't think I've tackled it. Like you, I feel time goes by fast :)

I have gotten better at putting priorities on tasks I do. That's helped me at least get started on the things I want to try out. What have you tried?

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vladned profile image
Vlad Nedelcu

Probably the same thing, but what I did (and this started 1 month back) is cutting down activities I don't have interest anymore. This helped me finish stuff.

One thing is that other people started pointing out that I rush at new things and cut focus on things that I was already into.