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How I keep going when I just want to quit.

Jeremy Schuurmans on September 04, 2019

I had originally intended this post to be a technical write-up about how I built my second Rails app. Where the idea came from, heroic descriptions...
j0shyap profile image
Josh Yap

As a primarily self-taught dev, I know these feelings all too well. That said, I think it is important to keep all these things in perspective and have clearly defined goals.

If my goal was to be a senior software engineer in 6 months, I would be setting myself up for failure and the appropriate amount of disappointment.

Instead, I try to focus on small, bite-sized goals that are achievable in small time frames and aim towards a main overarching goal. For example, I am just trying to build a progressive web app calculator with react in the next few weeks after work. I am going to keep focusing on small projects like this until I can get a solid portfolio together and land a junior developer job.

Rather than focusing on the literal technical aspects of learning to program, I like to frame my progress as learning just a bit more than I knew last week.

This sounds super intuitive, but it has helped me crawl out of some mood funks. Of course, I want to be able to claim "software developer" as my job title, but I also want to be able to enjoy both the journey and the role. Keeping things positive and fun helps me stay motivated and not burnt out.

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans

I think that's really great advice. Personally, I always struggle with focusing on the now and enjoying the journey, but you're right. If we can build great products one line of code at a time, we can build our lives and careers one small piece at a time too.

sebastiandg7 profile image
Sebastián Duque G • Edited

Thanks for the article. I think everyone goes through this in life. If you haven't, you will.

A really good song for those days when motivation is below low:

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans

Thanks for that! I had never heard of that band before, and I'm always interested in new music. That's a really good song, and motivating too!

jameslau profile image
James Lau

Thank you for this motivating article! I think the forgotten phase when learning to code is, "but I was asking for help a little bit less". This is a good sign. It's hard to get to this point, but many don't realize that this phase is past the massive and painful hurdles!

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans

I know many people who would be comforted by this, me included. It does get better!

joelvarty profile image
Joel Varty

As an English major who turned into a programmer, I can relate to a lot of the stuff in your post, for sure.

Thanks for posting, and keep after it!