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jess profile image
Jess Lee

OH MY GOSH, YES! Ok. I bouldered for a couple years and couldn't really get past V1s comfortably. I was still terrified of the height and always struggled on the last move -- it was super frustrating and I never ended up climbing consistently because of it.

This past year, I started climbing again...but instead of bouldering, I went for top-roping. I found a buddy in @angaither so she pushes me to climb at least once a week. Top roping has helped me focused on the actual climbing and not the fear. I feel a lot more confident in my technique and I have a much higher level of endurance because the climbs are so much longer.

Now that I'm top-roping consistently, bouldering has become a lot easier and the fear aspect doesn't play as much because those muscles have gotten stronger.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

(so the tip is to add some top-roping into your routing!)

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cassidoo profile image
Cassidy Williams

That's great advice! Thank you!