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Discussion on: What fonts do you use in your editor(s)?

ethan profile image
Ethan Stewart

I use FiraCode, mostly for the ligatures but I do also like the look of the font.

ackvf profile image
Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko

FiraCode ligatures are the way to go! :)

danlebrero profile image
Dan Lebrero

I concur!

bhaskar_vk profile image
Bhaskar Karambelkar

Ditto. ligatures FTW!

josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez • Edited

Hell yes, FiraCode. I use it in VS 2017 and VS Code. First thing I install in a brand new environment.

Once you go FiraCode, you don't go back or something.

haugan profile image
Marius Riis Haugan

Ooh, never seen FireCode before but it looks really good - excited to try it in VS 2017 tomorrow!

cwreacejr profile image
Charles Reace

Caveat: I've not tried it, but question: why would you want ligatures in a mono-spaced font? I'm assuming it's mono-spaced? (Not intended as any sort of knock on your choice, I'm just truly curious.)

cwreacejr profile image
Charles Reace

Answering my own question: I see that you are (probably) referring to the "ligatures" for various symbol character combinations -- not the traditional typographic ligatures for sequences such as "fi" or "tt". (I worked at a typesetting company many years ago. :-) )

jwalzak profile image
Jason Walzak

I never heard of ligatures before. They look rad. I'm going to give them a try.

I've been using Monaco as my font otherwise.

ckempo profile image

Me too! Discovering ligatures has made me shun fonts without support for them now. Used Hack, Inconsolata, Source Code Pro and Consolas before but it's Fira Code everywhere now.

alexdreptu profile image
Alexandru Dreptu

I prefer the Source Code Pro look. There's a version of it with ligatures called Hasklig, which I use right now in VSCode and it's rendered super great.

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yoavrheims profile image

Hasklig is awesome with VS indeed! Thanks for sharing it.

0x8c profile image

Nvm. Guy answered below.

0x8c profile image

Why would you want ligatures in your editor font? Seems hard to read to me. Can you give examples of what you mean?

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ckempo profile image