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[Comment from a deleted post]
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JoelBonetR 🥇

Hey guys you talked a lot and I need a TL;DR, by the way the topic is "positive discrimination" which is a term backed those days but hey, here's some news, they lied to you. There's no such thing like positive discrimination. They add positive before a bad word just to make it sound good.
Discrimination is discrimination, if you discriminate a person to give opportunities to another there's discrimination anyway, it doesn't matter the reason or the goal you plan to achieve. People needs to get paid for what they worth not being paid more or hired due to a condition, and this applies to any industry.
A blind person can code without issues but this person may not be the best cap driver, isn't it?
A deaf person can be good at many jobs but maybe not as sound technician, the same way that by your mental behavior you may not be able to code on a place or another.

Imagine one being poor on abstract acknowledgement and really bad at mathematics because some mental issues, does it worth for this person to fight against the system and pick a place coding and architecting machine learning and neural networks? Wouldn't be better to code layouts from a designer into a software view so this person can do a job without being less proficient than others?

The concept of positive discrimination only makes the things worse and generates hate because it's going all against the meritocracy and it's not fair to pick a job only by having a certain condition, you need to know your limits and ask for help to reach something near to what you like, but realistic. The world is not a hollywood movie and trying to make the perfect world for everyone only makes it worse. There are people out there, tones of people, and tones who come from a poor or modest families and who are fighting to get better into something to get a better life, are you really saying that "thanks to positive discrimination" this people who are pushing hard will not be able to get a job only because they're not on this conditions? fuck off

There's a concept on philosophy of law: Rights need to have an implicit justice, if something is not fair then there's no justice, and with no justice we can't get rights.

Do you want to help a blind? a deaf? a person with certain condition? Ok, give them the opportunity to study on a special institute - college that adapt it's learning process to this issues. Making job quotas and giving preferences on a way or another to a person is unfair for the rest.