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Discussion on: Benchmark: Prisma VS TypeORM

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Interesting topic! 😁

I suspect in the Create Many that TypeORM uses async behind the scenes while Prisma doesn't which is the easiest explanation.

Could you please add Sequelize to this benchmarks? It's one of the most used ORMs in Node if not the most used one for relational DBs

Thank you! 😀

josethz00 profile image
José Thomaz • Edited

Yes, also, Prisma has its own modelling language, so certainly some time is spent in this process of translation from .ts to .prisma. In the next benchmark I will add Sequelize and MikroORM

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Perfect thank you! Following to see the results! :)

nicolaslopes profile image
Nicolas Lopes Aquino • Edited

i don't think so, as @joelbonetr said, probably TypeORM is doing some weird async thing to fetch the data. Prisma transpile all their .prisma -> .d.ts once you execute the prisma generate command. Another good strategy to see that more accurate is to create different users to the database, and then profile which queries are taking longer (you can get that by doing some queries on the pg_stat_activity