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Vuejs Vs Reactjs

Johnathon roy on December 28, 2019

Javascript has single-handedly captured the web applications domain by making intelligent use of its frameworks and libraries like ReacJs and VueJs...
bitecode profile image

React Is Better Than Vue.js when there is no requirement to build mobile apps ..

Is this correct? Because I think if there is a requirement to build mobile apps, react is a better choice. You wrote a “no” requirement there, typo?

mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz


Simpler, smaller and faster than either React or Vue, with all the features anybody cares about.

Throw htm in the mix and you've got a build-free architecture with a net 4 kb total footprint.

You'll need more to sell me on either Vue or React. 😏

markohologram profile image
Marko A

To be honest this is pretty low effort. You need way more than 4 paragraphs of text to compare these two.

And your conclusion about React needing a build system is also incorrect. You would know that if you read first couple of pages of React documentation.

robertomaurizzi profile image
Roberto Maurizzi

... like we had a choice about using JavaScript. Can't wait for WASM to reach the point many other languages are decently supported.

seanmclem profile image
Seanmclem • Edited

React can also be added to an HTML file pretty easily with "a few lines of code and no build tooling"

rajab512 profile image

What the he**
Is that enough
Why didn't you argue that
