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Discussion on: Scam Alert: OnClick Academy

johnfajardo profile image
John Fajardo

Chiming in to say that I signed up and it was a bunch of tutorials ripped from youtube.

victor3380 profile image
Victor Bastos

Hi John, most of our tutorials/courses are from youtube through partnerships (this is clearly mentioned on our disclaimer about page). But we also have our own courses such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP/MySQL and others that are also available on Udemy under my name with good reviews. Check here:

Access to these courses are completely FREE at If you have any complaints about other past products please contact us at OR and I'll be glad to help you.

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p1xt profile image

The absolute best advice I can give any aspiring developer is this:

Never give this man your email address. He will spam you the rest of your life. Eventually, he'll con you into buying a lifetime membership for all his courses. Two months later, there will be a new lifetime membership he'll be trying to get you to buy because "these courses are in a different category". He'll try to get you to buy into joining his freelancer network. Basically, your inbox will be his new litter box. Hitting unsubscribe won't work, it'll unsubscribe you from one list, but this shitstain didn't just put you on this one list ... you will never be free of him. Ever.

Also, because he's bringing up reviews - the quality of his content is absolute shit. If you actually want to learn something, hit App Academy Open, The Odin Project, or CS50. Or, if you really want to pay money to learn, check out zero to mastery (Andrei Neagoie is fantastic). Or, hell, buy yourself a 1 year subscription to Coursera, you can learn a ton on Coursera in a year for $400.

Don't give this man your money. More importantly, don't give him your email address.

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victor3380 profile image
Victor Bastos

I'm sorry you had problems and feel that way about my past products or services. I'm here to help you if you need any help. Regarding the spam or emails you get, me and my team are currently creating campaigns ONLY through "Get Response", so if you already unsubscribed you will not get any more emails. If you're still getting emails from "Victor Bastos" or "Onclick Acadmy" after you unsubscribed, please do report them because they are not mine.

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victor3380 profile image
Victor Bastos • Edited

currently all my services and products outside Udemy are free with no cost.

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p1xt profile image

What happened to all the people who paid you for lifetime access to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, freelancer client products, etc? Did you just end it all after taking their money?

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victor3380 profile image
Victor Bastos • Edited

The people who asked for refund have been given a refund accordingly. I have zero complaints and zero refund requests on paypal. And most of my students and clients are actually very satisfied with my products and support. I know you had a bad experience in the past, but as I said before and at this moment, I can only say sorry and apologize for that matter.

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p1xt profile image

And, even after "currently all my services and products outside Udemy are free with no cost." and "If you are still getting emails ... please do report them because they are not mine." THIS WEEK, I get another spam email to an email address I unsubscribed a year and a half ago trying to hook me into yet another subscription ...

So all the people who signed up for all of Victor's previous Special LIFETIME Offers are shit out of luck, all those offers and subscriptions are dead. But now there's a new offer?

"All our features and courses FOREVER" was the scam two years ago, and apparently it's still the scam today. Don't give this man your money. Or, your email. If he actually honored unsubscribe requests I wouldn't have received email confirmation today that he was lying his ass off this week when he said that everything from him outside Udemy was free.

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p1xt profile image

today's email

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p1xt profile image

If you're wondering how "everything not on Udemy is free" translates for Victor Bastos, the same week he post that, this was the pricing up on his "not Udemy" site:

his pricing page, showing the cost is not free

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victor3380 profile image
Victor Bastos • Edited

Once again this is a legit business and if you doubt it you can clearly see there is a FREE plan there so you can check it is legit. And the rest of discount offers for paid plans are very good deals as they are LIFETIME plans for 1 time payment only. If you received that email is because you were still subscribed to my email list. As I told you, we use GET RESPONSE and once you unsubscribed we cannot send you any more emails. I feel like I'm done justifying things to a person who just wants problems and has a bad intention and hateful discussions. Good luck.

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p1xt profile image

And, now, this week - TWO YEARS after you say this ... I'm getting emails from you trying to get me to buy your mailing list. The mailing list you shouldn't be able to send me emails on, because I unsubscribed, over and over and over again, years ago.

My only intention in this entire post and thread was, and remains, warning people to not give a sleezebag like yourself their email address. You will not unsubscribe them from everything. You will not stop emailing them. And, apparently, you hold onto their email address (even after they unsubscribe) and sell it to others.

You are horrible.