DEV Community

Discussion on: ELI5: Why self-host a compiler?

johnfound profile image

Well, IMHO, if some language worth to be created it worth to be created self-hosting.

Or in other words, if even the creators of the language prefer to write in something else, why should I use it? Isn't it better to use the language the creators of the language use?

Anyway, self-hosting makes the language complete, mature and self-sufficient.

As an example, I can point on FlatAssembler.

It is self-hosting from very early versions. As a result, it can be ported really easy to arbitrary OS within one or two days! Actually it is more portable than any other high level language. Well, maybe excluding C, but I am not very sure. :)

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Isn't it better to use the language the creators of the language use

I think this true to a point - Michael brought up a good point that it does depend on the purpose of that language. You skew very very low level, though, and I imagine in that domain this does hold true.

ported really easy to arbitrary OS within one or two days

This is very cool. I'm going to have to spend more time looking at this.

johnfound profile image

Well, I am not a big fan of the specialized languages. The same effort for learning, but much narrower niche. ;)