DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
johnkazer profile image
John Kazer

But isn't the original question about readability and understandability for others? Is fine for you to write quick code now but doesn't help anyone else now or later?

fmctaggart profile image
Fraser McTaggart

One of the points I mentioned was that is was easy to swap between projects that has tailwind, as you don't have to figure out class names etc. If someone has worked with tailwind on one project, then they can easily use it any other tailwind projects. I'd argue it is easier than bootstrap or foundation, because the utility classes are fairly close to CSS property names. However the classes have inbuilt spacing etc.
I found it quicker to learn and much easier to understand others code when editing. That is one of the first things I mentioned and one of the main reasons I use it!

johnkazer profile image
John Kazer

Fair enough, although I guess is a bit like using Vue vs react, not everyone knows how one or the other works. Personally I'm still working up to applying tailwind in the functional elm-like framework hyperapp.