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How to Create Web app in Azure Using Azure cli

The blog post is about using Azure cli commands to create web application
a. Open powershell terminal and login using “az login”, you will be directed to a web browser to sign in. after that use the following commands to create:-
b. Create the resource group using the command below, after doing az login in your powershell: AppServiceRG
az group create --name AppServiceRG --location eastus.

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c. Create an app plan using the command: appservicePlan
az appservice plan create --name appservicePlan --resource-group appServiceRG

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d. Create a web app using this command: Project10WebApp
az webapp create --name Project10WebApp --resource-group AppServiceRG --plan AppServicePlan

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e. Go to the azure portal to confirm that you have successfully created your resource group: AppServiceRG, web plan: AppServicePlan and the web app: Project10WebApp.

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Under the app plan we can see CPU, Memory. Data in/out, region, instance size, scale count, SKU/Pricing tier this shows the app plan does the computing work of a VM.

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