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[Comment from a deleted post]
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Jules Pénuchot

I only partially agree... Maths are not always discouraging, I've started learning machine learning from a simple, very simple example : the Perceptron. The Perceptron is based on simple maths that will definitely give you a better understanding of what neural networks are all about. Same applies to K-means, a simple algorithm that expresses a very strong concept in artificial intelligence. Same applies with MinMax algorithm, and so on...

Those are just simple examples you learn as introductions to these different fields of AI that make you from using a toolkit that feels like black magic to having a deep understanding of what you're using and therefore a more instinctive and confident approach of AI.

They're not even hard to learn, the maths behind a linear classifier are incredibly simple and easy to visualize concepts (which, to me, is a key factor of understanding).

I agree that sometimes maths make the learning curve steeper than it should be, but my point here is that maths are not always scary and are necessary to get a good understanding of the tools you're using.