DEV Community

Jeffrey Hicks
Jeffrey Hicks

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Bootstrap AWS EKS with Autoscaler and Gitops


  • Create Initial AWS Resources
  • Update and with Initial AWS Resource Details
  • Run Terraform to create Terraformed AWS Resources
  • Run ./script/ to update FluxCD Manafests with Terraformed AWS Resource Details
  • Create Github Resources and set credentials Env Variables
  • Run Flux Bootstrap to deploy Initial GitOps Resources, GitOps controlled K8s Addons & Configs, GitOps controlled K8s Apps

Inital AWS Resources

  • AWS Account - A basic container for AWS resources and security boundary.
  • Identity Center User - Short-lived authentication. No distributing access keys and associated risk of exposed secrets. Forced 2FA for CLI Access.
  • S3 Bucket for Terraform State - Terraform must store state about managed infrastructure and configuration. This state is used by Terraform to map real world resources to your configuration, and keep track of metadata
  • Dynamo DB for Terraform State Locking - Ensures that only one operation (like apply or plan) that could write or change the state is performed at a time. Price likely not a concern given DynamoDB's Utility Pricing model and the low volume of transactions.
  • Route53 Zone - Controls how to Route traffic for a specific domain, and subdomains.

Github Resources

  • Repository - The Source of Truth for your Infrastructure. FluxCD will monitor this repo (and the repos it references) for changes and applies them to your cluster.
  • Flux User for Github Organization - When performing GitOps using a Organization Owned Repo, Flux recommends you create a dedicated user.
  • Personal Access Token - Flux requires Github Authentication Secrets since it acts on your repo during the bootstrap process.

Terraformed AWS Resources

Initial GitOps Resources

GitOps Controlled K8s Addons & Configs

  • Load Balance Controller
  • Cluster Autoscaler - Cluster Autoscaler - a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes. Requires Kubernetes v1.3.0 or greater
  • External DNS - External DNS - a Kubernetes addon that configures public DNS servers with information about exposed Kubernetes Services to make them discoverable.
  • Metrics Server - Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.

GitOps Controlled K8s Apps

Other Resources

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