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What is DOS?

Primarily meant for IBM compatible computers, the actual meaning of DOS is Disc Operating System.

In 1981, DOS was introduced by IBM, as an 8-bit operating system, with the goal of simplifying applications previously used by CP/M(Control Program for Microcomputers). Also in 1981, Microsoft purchased 86-DOS and Microsoft released its version, Microsoft Disk Operating System, better known as MS-DOS. The popularity excelled quickly and over 70 companies bought its license for use by the end of that year.

Over the next twenty years there where four notable variants that where introduce as compatible operating systems.

  1. DR-DOS(1988)
  2. ROM-DOS(1989)
  3. PTS-DOS(1993)
  4. FreeDos(1998)

The term "DOS" has become mostly recognized as a family of operation systems. It is important to note that essentially it is a platform-independent acronym for Disc Operating System which dates back as early as 1966 with the mainframe DOS/360.

In 1992, I had my first experience using a computer. It was a Brother Word Processor. We had acquired it from the local college when they began to update to PC's. I was amazed at the ability to print pages without having to use a copy machine. That is where I was introduced to DOS.

Our first personal computer was the IBM PC/XT 5760. Around 1995, playing Oregon Trail and Doom was something that just amazed me. It was a new experience that took the use of very basic code when each disc was inserted to start and run the programs, unlike the Nintendo that I was use to turning on and playing.

DOS was very crucial in the early days of personal computing. Its legacy continues to influence modern operating systems to date. Its significance to the impact on the evolution of technology, as we know it, it demands recognition.


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