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Discussion on: I can't make up my mind about Twitter lately

jsrn profile image

I am currently going back and forth about Twitter on an almost daily basis. Funnily enough, I deleted most of my tweets last week, inspired by your previous post.

I want to share my work and ideas (and, embarrassingly, to receive external validation), but it feels insincere to me because others are already doing what I do, but better.

I make some good jokes, but the jokes are a bit wasted if nobody is reading them.

Since I've more or less scorched-earth my Twitter presence, I am hoping to spend 2019 focusing on sharing only the more useful thoughts & content, engaging in conversations that are happening now, rather than just shouting my opinions into the void, and saving some of my hilarious witticisms as conversational openers to my friends, who I don't torture enough.

I don't really have any useful feedback, but thank you for this post and the last one, they've given me a bunch to think on.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

You’re welcome James :) Thanks for your response as well, and for being open and honest. It’s given me something to think about too!