DEV Community

Git and Github - must know commands to make your first commit

Junaid Anwar on July 15, 2018

You want to learn github and how to contribute to the open source? You don't know how to use github with all its powers? The Git environment is a ...
chainq profile image
Károly Balogh • Edited

Helpful article for beginners, but. And it is a big but:

Anyone who uses -am to commit all the things is, of course, in a state of sin.

No, seriously. There is no amount of "I am in a hurry" or "lets take shortcuts" or "I know what I'm doing" justifies omitting the review your changes and adding them one by one instead if necessary. The amount of bugs I catch in the work of otherwise talented young engineers just because they used -am as a "fire and forget" method to commit things is staggering. And it just leads to bad practices in general.

Honestly, I wish more people would use git add --patch instead, and split up their commits to smaller ones, instead of just listing all the changes in a three line commit message, and forgetting half of it (because they won't notice what -am just did for them).

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Wow, git add --patch is excellent.
I usually just review the staged diffs in VSCode, but I'm sure it'll come in handy.

juni profile image
Junaid Anwar


juni profile image
Junaid Anwar

Really helpful feedback, thanks, I really appreciate that.

I will carefully revise about the points you mentioned and update the article real soon!

ozzyaaron profile image
Aaron Todd

These were my only issues as well!

supunkavinda profile image
Supun Kavinda

Final tips were the best ;)