DEV Community

Discussion on: Quick question: "How did you learn to code?"

justsharkie profile image

So me and science don't mix (not computer science, but like Science science. Chemistry and physics and crap).

And in high school, we had to have an extra science credit to get our diploma.

Guess what counted as a science credit?

Mother fluffing Web Dev.

We learned HTML and styling with tables. We learned CSS-in-HTML. There was no JS to be seen.

And I excelled and loved every minute of it.

Fast forward to trying to choose a college course to take - I'm scrolling through, seeing my options, trying to find something that stand ou-Interactive Media Design? You mean ALL OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS rolled into one program? SIGN ME THE F UP

And the rest is history. 😂

tlakomy profile image
Tomasz Łakomy

Thanks for sharing your story! 🥳

Would you mind if I steal the “mother fluffing” expression for my next talk? I love it for some reason 😅

justsharkie profile image

Go for it! It just makes things better.