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John Peters • Edited

I once attended company sponsored Management training, in those classes they taught that "people are really only really good in their jobs for 2 or 3 years". They were talking about how after 3 years, they aren't really learning new things. Some people are fine with this because they aren't willing to take new challenges, they are just comfortable where they are. That attitude works pretty good for a long time, until the company has to start large staff reductions. The people who only maintain legacy code are targets.

Other's like continuous learning and attempt to get hired into things they only learned on paper or after work hours hacking away. Their only problem is to get by the interview. If they do, they've made a great step forward which is to learn that new thing on the job. The only issue they have to deal with is making sure they meet the expectations of their managers. But even it they don't and they are let go, they've picked up 6 months to a Year of solid on the job training in that area. Their next job is to hunt for the same area and pick up more experience. Within a 1 - 1.5 years they are Subject Matter Experts on that new thing.

Then there are the super genius types which just get it right now. They are rare, but you know them when you meet them. Work to them is always kind of a game, they just want to play to win, and they often do win.

My best place is to always learn and use new stuff in my job. If I can't do that and I don't like the environment, then it's time to find something else. I believe that people are right where they want to be, and if they are unhappy, don't believe them because they haven't done anything about it.

Stay motivated, put lots of effort into what you want to do, be disciplined and you'll will be amazed at what happens. It may not happen right away but it will happen.

And no, I took some positions I regretted, and I worked too long at others, I was laid off two times. Had plenty of challenges for sure...

Good luck to you Silvia!