Angular will surely drift into oblivion before the end of 2024 if all of it isn't already dead. I know some people are going to read the above and ...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Typescript is mandatory regardless of which "framework" you use. Saying typescript is only for 10x developers shows me you still have a lot to learn.
Angular wasn't designed for little CRUD applications. It is an enterprise frontend framework. You complain about bundle size but frontend libraries like React don't include any form, routing, nor API management like Angular does. Bet once you add in all the little libraries together a React build would be about the same. This is why React is a library and Angular is a framework. Angular is relatively complex because it is designed for complex projects.
I've seen far more large scale projects in React be an absolute mess while large scale Angular projects be a breeze to pick up. Angular is highly opinionated for a reason. It's not going anywhere.
I agree @ljmerza. Especially when it seems like the de facto standard for React is to use create-react-app for a lot of React projects, which is absolutely bloated. Folks have been saying that Redux will be kicking the bucket soon for a long time due to its significant boilerplate, but its use is dependent on a multitude of factors. Just like Angular.
It's fun to write these kind of "scandalous" articles and I have to admit, I enjoy reading them 😅 It's like watching my favorite soap operas for all the drama, haha.
Every library/framework is going to have its benefits and drawbacks. That doesn't mean it will be obsolete any time soon. The popular ones exist for a reason and they have very different use-cases.
Like I said you are uninformed at best spreading misinformation at worst.
So he admits he doesn't even believe his own blog posts and this is simply a troll post for clicks... All respect has been lost.
@kalashin1 absolutely! That's the beauty of having an opinion on any one technology. Voicing said opinions opens a platform for free and conscientious discussion, much like what is happening here. That's a wonderful thing, even if people choose to disagree.
I think some of the criticisms you've laid out for Angular do have their merits, as they've been echoed by others before. Regardless of others sharing your opinion, you've opened a space for dialogue and I feel like that's the important aspect. And even if some of the points you've listed could be detached from actual practice, getting feedback from others is the best way to learn about stuff like that, imo.
Embrace the hate 😈
Thanks man 👍👍
Worked both react and angular,
I like angular seperation of concern (html css and ts separate)
2 dependency injection
3 simple component life cycle
4 reuse of logic like pipe directive
5 httpclient and observable
6.easy routing
7 reactive form
Love you angular ❤️
I too don't see any issues with Angular for enterprisy apps, except for - its reliance on zone.js and the default change detection mechanism. Diagnosing some not so straightforward issues, which are tied more with the framework (or how you used it), is a pain, something which shouldn't happen in first place.
In my opinion, you are better off using OnPush and removing zone.js altogether. But there are too many apps out there that are not doing this. Angular 18 makes that possible(or encourages too) now, but its too late.
I have always been skeptical of Google products, it looks like they are just some side projects by their devs, whose sole incentive is to showcase the work or get promoted, rather than delivering a viable product for the users.
I don't agree with the reasons(which are silly, actually) given in this article, but I would bet that Angular will be dead/barely-alive sooner. Some enterprisy apps might still continue using it to avoid migration costs, but any new apps(even if they are enterprisy) will most probably favor other lighter/simpler libs/frameworks.
You missed the point of the post. This post was aimed at discussing the cons holding angular back as a framework
Nope. Im aware what the post is about. I am just disagreeing with the reasons mentioned in the post and to a certain extent, with Leo's comment too.
You don't have to agree with me for it to be valid. You know we all have very different reasons why we all stopped using a tool and in this instance I'm just documenting my experience.
We'll see what 2024 has to say about that!
I expected more from someone who apparently had such a strong opinion against Angular.
Not true.
You can use React with TypeScript or just plain JavaScript.
Thanks for making right information available.
Poor quality content:
The easier framework to build applications is the one you are comfortable with.
Ha ha ... je te vois :D
J'avoue que l'article m'a fait marrer, mais quel excellent moyen de ramener des views !
TypeScript was FORCED upon developers. Type Errors is nowhere near a big problem as Microsoft and others would have you believe.
2, I do NOT see "real-world" problem being solved by using TypeScript.
All I see are silly examples of a "function that adds or divides 2 numbers' to justify "type checking". e.g., Who writes a function just to do basic math????
Next, developers are testing (aka runtime) their code LINE-BY-LINE anyway, so "compile-time" checking isn't all that beneficial in saving a developer time coding.
In other words, TypeScript adds a layer of complexity that doesn't have that much benefit to JavaScript world.
Examples are held simple for a reason. Try asking directed questions and someone can help you understand better.
80% of which developers do not even need to do, when they have type-safety.
How many times did you have to debug code and it turned out it wasn't a string like you expected. :)
Probably a lot, according to your previous statement.
I just analyzed one of our enterprise projects and found 1,964 string properties and 1,561 non-string properties.
So you'd basically flip a coin every time you came across another property. And you couldn't even be sure if it stays a string or if it changes mid-runtime because someone else didn't know your intentions.
But does your team know your reason?
Does your successor after you quit the company know your reason? #sneakyJobSecurity
And do you still know your reason after the customer requests a change in 2 years?
TS also makes reviewing your code a lot easier, if I can trust that the TS transpiler already checked it. I can now focus on what your code is actually doing and not have to reverse engineer your value types.
Properties are one thing.
Actual Variables are another.
They better know as you should have good variable naming to begin with.
No one is stopping you, or other TypeScript supporters out there from putting out a TYPICAL REAL-WORLD example.
I don't know about you, but I can count people who name their variables well on one hand.
Alright, I looked up some bite-sized open source examples, because my company is literally stopping me from putting out company code. :)
Example 1:
You immediately know that this function CANNOT handle null as a parameter, because it only allows
. Not only that, your IDE will show you an error and highlight the place where you tried to call this function with null. And because the result CANNOT be null, you also get a hint if you're checking it for null.Source: taiga-family/taiga-ui
Example 2:
Writing this function took the author probably just a minute. They might not even have had to open the playwright docs. The IDE already knows which functions are available in
, because it is an object of typeLocator
.Imagine playwright updated the Locator model and
was now renamed tomodify
. Now your code is broken and you don't even know until you run the code.Source: taiga-family/taiga-ui
Why not just add some Boiler plate, IF-THEN null or empty string checking? That's worked just fine long before TypeScript existed. And if I get that ERROR string message, I know exactly what happened and where it happened.
Plus, when I read the JS Boilerplate code, it so much more clear.
The TypeScript has to state "string" TWICE in Example 1 (and look where it uses string twice...somewhat confusing to read.)
If you are renaming "evaluate" to "modify", why would you NOT run the code to test those changes anyway?
Your article accurate for Tic tac toe kind of application.
Angular is for enterprises application and react is nowhere closer to Angular in Code migration, Type safety , scalable project structure and many more
You maybe right but doesn't change the fact that React is the most adopted UI framework for a reason.
React is library not a framework
Something called framework if it has Hollywood Principle in it and React has it so React is a framework.
As well as their job search in this case 😅😉
I know folks that just don’t digest JSX, or fancy new reactivity primitives in Vue 3, or weird templating of Svelte. Angular is absolutely OK for mid-level developers, quite simple to grasp these days. It has well-rounded and SOLID mental model behind the scenes, and it has great ecosystem and community (I really like these people, hardly any framework has such a small amount of fools among proponents). Also it’s mostly used for enterprise development which is HUGE part of the job market. So it’s not going anywhere, as well as… COBOL, for instance.
I prefer other tools personally. But I know that Angular in 2024 is performant, safe, scalable, and approachable choice. And inevitable evil for legacy enterprise code bases.
How many Jobs are hiring Angular Developers? Can't remember the last time Angular was a requirement for a Job I've applied for in the past three years. Well it has to be those hardcore Angular fans that don't want to give up t their pride.
Angular will still be performant and it is still going to be used albeit just a little less.
I also think that's very subjective. It depends where you live. In Dallas,TX there are many Angular job postings Ive seen and many enterprises located there use Angular. In Seattle, WA there are a multitude of React jobs here. Look at your local job market and learn what's relevant in your surrounding area.🙂
Exactly over here Angular is rarely used. Even when I worked for a firm that used Angular, the CTO kept encouraging us to switch most of the User Interface for their products from Angular to React.
I have only used Angular in the companies I've worked for for the past 5 years. I think if people could make scalable applications in react correctly there wouldn't be a need to hire people to fix other people's work.
Since all JavaScript Code is valid Typescript Code, there is literally no mandatory overhead with regards to Typescript. I honestly believe Angular will always have a place, especially because of the complicated stuff it can do, such as DI. If you end up building a complex app with another framework, the stuff gets either as complex or is not as good as angular is out of the box. I admit, the learning curve is steep, but it is so much more rewarding.
To be honest, I feel like javascript developers tend to go down the easiest way opposed to other areas of development. Topics like DI are not that hard to grasp in general and are very commonplace in the software world (Spring in java for example).
And as always, you don't have to learn it all at once. That's the good thing about opionated frameworks, they take over a lot of mental load.
And they help you onboard developers which have experience in the area much faster opposed to say React, where every project has its own custom structure.
Nice take man, what a strong comeback by Angular.
I like your enthusiasm, but the energy is misguided. (Unless the goal is just to get a controversial piece trending for clicks and ad revenue, then I'm sure my comment will play into that.)
I'll address as much as I can, but it's easy to see that most of your complaints are clearly of wrong fit - You don't take a semi truck to go grocery shopping and complain about gas mileage and parking space when a hatchback is clearly the correct choice.
You're right, with the sample set of "all web jobs", Angular is surely too much. Angular is a robust, feature-rich, highly-opinionated application framework for building powerful, scalable applications. I think this is an important distinction to be made; Angular isn't for UIs, (which I take to mean light, interactive web content.) If you're looking for "very simple and straight to the point", Angular is not a fit for your project... that doesn't mean it's dying in 2024.
Strong assertion of fact that I'm sure you have sources for...
Once again a question of fit - build an identically-featured, medium size application in all three and I'd bet the compiled size difference is negligible. (Not a factual assertion but a well-educated opinion.)
You seem to want all of these free and open-source frameworks and libraries to "sell" you, and I'm not sure why. Do your own research and find the best fit for your need. Angular isn't a quick afternoon read, and that's entirely acceptable for the developers that it's made to help.
I love when I become overqualified, because then I find a new job and continue advancing my skills and income further! I have recruiters constantly trying to poach me for higher salaries than I make now. Funny enough, besides extensive development experience, Angular is their #1 quoted reason they call me. Angular is fully qualified for its job - which isn't in the one-day-website world.
This is the best line in your piece... it's is exactly the point. Angular answers its need quite well. If Angular isn't for your need, that's okay.
Excellently written and considered response. I'm thinking the author is poking the bear to drive views to his "I'll teach you how to make websites" YouTube channel that certainly isn't cluttered with the same short-sighted and poorly informed opinions. /s
Calling type safety as an "overhead" reveals the intention of that artcicle: none.
Because it really is. If you're not experienced enough to use Typescript then what use is it adding Typescript? It just adds another layer of unnecessary complexity.
This is not an argument. When you can't programm type safty and don't understand the underlying concepts and advantages you are not a programmer. Instead you are a script kiddy. Type safty is a widely used concept to catch errors before you ship software while you're developing. Thats not overhead, thats mandatory.
Thats my cup of tea to this topic.
Your post is just polemic to gain some social range nothing else. In other terms:
Type safty will save your ass when you don't understand your problems with your code.
You are making the assumptions that all beginners should know Typescript immediately after they learn Javascript and I'm telling that it rarely happens that way.
I had to learn Typescript specifically because of Angular! And that was because I had the time to do so! But I started using React/Vue without worrying about Typescript and I only added Typescript to React when I was already familiar with Vanilla React and added Typescript when I understood the benefits and importance of Type safety and how Typescript works.
That may be but your article doesn't properly reflect that. But even in that case, I would recommend/encourage every new js programmer to learn typescript and the attached concepts.
IMHO using vanilla js is a red flag when it comes to serious programming.
Your article would be correct when you would say something like this:
"If you don't (want to) understand typescript just put your hands off from angular"
If someone isn't experienced enough to work with typescript, they're probably not qualified for the task.
What you're describing is someone who only does inline styles because they think css is too confusing. This year isn't that year.
That year won’t be even in the next 5 years
Typescript at this point is mandatory learning for all front end web developers. Types make enterprise JavaScript development tolerable.
There are complicated aspects of Typescript (generics) that can be hard to grasp, but the majority of Typescript value is easy to access and use.
This reads like classic developer "I don't want to learn this so I'm going to try and justify that with specious reasoning". That isn't an insult to you; it's something all developers are guilty of at some point. I've done it, the best developers I've met have done it, and you're doing it now. That's fine, but the only way past it, especially if it's a very popular library that you will undoubtedly have to use in your career, is to sit down, learn it, and use it. Maybe without Angular.
More often than not you will understand why a library is so popular.
And how many other frameworks offer that much out of the box?
There's also an automatic upgrade tool :)
Angular can be a great choice for projects that are expected to scale up. Its opinionated structure and built-in features like dependency injection, comprehensive documentation, and strong architecture can help maintain a scalable and maintainable codebase as your project grows. However, ensure your team has the expertise to leverage Angular's capabilities effectively for scalability.
I believe that tailoring your content directly to your course can attract more people to watch your videos and potentially generate income from it. However, this approach seems unethical in my opinion.
The goal here is not to get people to watch my content but to share my opinions and thoughts with you guys.
From what I've seen Angular seems to have some strong hearted developers behind it.
When I first started in the field of software development, I started learning Angular. As someone without a coding background, the initial challenge was tough, but it was a enjoyable moment for me. Along the way, I took a pause to explore React, and upon careful consideration, I chose to delve into React because I easily and quickly grasped its fundamentals. Fast forward 11 months, and I've been working with React.
I am gearing up for a new project in the coming year, and this time, I'll be working with Angular, the latest version. I am hopeful that this time my experience will be different from my initial encounter with it, and I am eager to see how my skills have evolved. While I acknowledge that it may not be as beginner-friendly as React, I am ready for the challenge. I agree, Angular is not begginner friendly especially for someone with no coding background
You will come back to React.
You're going to hate it xD
I love angular. I do not like react that much. I also really appreciate the great support the discord Angular channel gives.
I agree that typescript really hurt angular in the beginning. I personally strongly dislike typescript. I love JavaScript and excel in that and I see TypeScript as a handicap.
I feel that RXJS had much to do with Angular losing its popularity. I find RXJS ridiculously hard and the readability is zero. It was completely unnecessary.
I have not used Angulars upcoming signals yet so I don't want to knock it too hard. But initially it looks like more boiler point code I rather not have and use change detection instead.
I’m still waiting on jQuery to die 😜
JQuery is the greatest and it isn't going anywhere soon.
This is such a strange post.
You seem to be complaining about how you don't understand adult coding and then complaining later that your two page application was a mess. Couldn't those two things be related?
"Not beginner friendly" isn't a drawback for those of us who are worried about "scale friendly."
Hmm it's funny how you think I'm complaining. Actually what most of you don't know is learned and used Angular before I started using any other frameworks so I really know what Angular is about and how powerful it is.
However this post was not meant to educate anyone on anything and instead I just decided to diss Angular because I can absolutely do that and plus I use React now and I prefer the React way off doing things!!!
Say what you want but Angular is going down 👇
It's appalling to see react developers insist that Angular is to difficult. It uses html, js, and css. This is a beginner framework. It used to be more opinionated , which was nice and made it work well with teams. I think the reason there are allot of react jobs is because nobody does that correctly.
Nope because React actually makes it very easy to build User Interface
I heavily prefer Typescript to vanilla JavaScript. I like my typing, it makes code far easier to work with. However Angular is the only framework I've ever done web development with professionally, I can't say how I like Angular compared to other alternatives.
Maybe you should try other frameworks and see what they look like compared to Angular.
I do NOT see "real-world" problem being solved by using TypeScript.
All I see are silly examples of a "function that adds or divides 2 numbers' to justify "type checking". e.g., Who writes a function just to do basic math????
Next, developers are testing (aka runtime) their code LINE-BY-LINE anyway, so "compile-time" checking isn't all that beneficial in saving a developer time coding.
In other words, TypeScript add a layer of complexity that doesn't have that much benefit to JavaScript world.
"If you don’t see the importance then it might be because you have never been in a large project "
Are you saying the name of the person passed in the parameter is too vague or misnamed? Or we should have NO CLUE what should be coming from that parameter?
And that includes those of you who worked on a large code base as those of you who have,
should have well-chosen names for parameters that describe what data is coming through.
If so, why not give examples of "vague parameter variable names" that TypeScript solves in the REAL WORLD?
Angular simply sucks...nextjs sucks.. sveltekit, nuxt rocks
I'm telling you imagine using Angular in 2024 when you have so much options.
Wrong kid, how many enterprises application you developed?
Very few and that's one of the points I make. Most times people are just building very straightforward apps not something overly complex.
Depends on the job. I exclusively build complex web apps.
I don't think so , that angular will not survive in 2024
With angular 16 and 17 , they have introduced standalone app without ngmodules
And the build size is also reduced comparatively
With Angular 17 , they have introduced the Hydration in Angular also
I don't know on what basis this post has been written
Please check the facts
Sorry, but this content is so rubbish that I can't find enough words to describe that except "lol". Seems like this article has been written by someone who knows nothing about Angular and even can't in typescript. And even in comparison I see only 5+ years old frameworks like react and vue and see no word about something new like Qwik, f.e. I think the author has not enough expertise to write articles like this one.
Remember to delete this post before you apply to a big enterprise.
The way the zealous angular defenders mock, deride and belittle the author here, proves somehow that there is something wrong with Angular.
There's something really wrong with Angular I'm telling you
Kinanee, I posted a tech insight . Take a look at it. It may give you a smile. :)
Since you don't believe in this article 100% and wrote it as an opinion, can you try a reverse article on why Angular will survive, especially when you look at the new changes Angular is introducing, for example, working to make Angular easier to learn:
I am already working on It. To appease all my Angular readers.
Seems like you are a true angular hater. Let me clear few points for you.
Typescript Barrier: this isn't a barrier at all. ts made things easy and if you know node js and react prefer ts as well.
Not Beginner friendly: everyone's once a beginner. I trained around 30 newbies to junior level and now they are very well versed in angular. Plus nobody learnt angular from their mother's womb.
Bundle Size: Are you aware of tree shaking? Injectables? Webpack? You wouldn't have pointed that out if you were aware of that.
Too much restrictions: Name a single restriction? Encapsulation isn't restriction, just saying. I'm using angular since 2017 and I didn't face any restriction yet. Kindly let me know.
It's just too Overpowered: Grapes are sour? 🧐
Fierce competition: I agree
Ever since I worked with React anytime I have to use Angular I just feel like I'm always restricted! Like allow me to do things my way.
Typescript is not subset, its superset of javascript.
Thanks for the clarification, let me update accordingly
I do believe that Angular is a great framework and many teams will still be using Angular across different projects.
However I still believe that the rate of new developers using Angular will only keep declining as time wears on unless Angular addresses the issues listed in the article.
Agree. It’s a modern day COBOL, but way worse because it’s just a massive declarative hacky layer. Should have never made it through the beginning era.
I'm telling you, it's a miracle Angular has made it this far but hey it's quite useful in it's own way and some developers just like overcomplicating stuffs
Angular is a cult.
I'm telling you and I'm just finding that out.
I have created a account just to comment that this is by far the most idiotic post ever on dev.to. Writing nonsense just to try drag people to your YouTube videos. Shame on you.
Thank you for your feedback.
I did the same thing. I expect the YouTube videos have the same quality and tone of this article. I might take a look at one later to better inform my final opinion on the matter.
These aren't valid points.
TypeScript isn't mandatory. All JavaScript is valid TypeScript code just without the types.
If some developer doesn't have jobs to build enterprise level application, doesn't mean the world doesn't need enterprise level application.
If someone knows how to use lazy loading, of course the bundle size will come down. I myself have done that. From 11mb to 1.4 mb. Although still I confirm its not optimal and the size should be less than that. Maybe I need to learn more.
Every framework has its own restrictions. You just cannot do whatever you want. For example you need to Suspense for protected route. Same goes for angular. The basic thing is if you want race and win, then you have do it according the rules and not by what your heart says.
Angular is full framework where you get everything to build an application. You don't need to anything outside angular 5o make your app up and running
Angular will stay and yes there are fierce competition. That's why we see Angular is also evolving. All frameworks needs to evolve to stay relevant in today's and future world.
I am not saying that Angular is going to stay forever but the points made here aren't too valid as of me.
PS: These are my opinions which some will support and others will not.
I say this not as an Angular fan, but as a programmer with over 30 years experience and recently some of that working with Angular, React and others. Most of your takes (and hates - let's call it what it is) on Angular can almost certainly be summed up to skill issue or inexperience. 90% of that comes down to learning to choose the right tool for the job. Considering your background in biochemistry, let me put it like this. There is a different set of tools you would use to fight a viral infection versus a bacterial infection. As a biochemist you should probably understand the differences in both strategies and their implementations in great detail. Your article is akin to saying "I know bacterial infection mitigation in great detail and I know some about viral mitigation. Bacterial mitigation is just plain better and viral mitigation techniques won't continue to be used after this year because all I do is handle bacterial infections." Nonsense.
React has places in the world for particular types of applications and it wears the crown in those respects. Angular also has plenty of places where it is king. Sure the two frameworks have capability overlaps. That's to be expected since they are both built for making browser apps. But then they diverge to their niche and excel in those areas like no other. Like the difference between a pickup truck and a military humvee. Sure they both haul things, are truck-shaped, handle off-road quite well, etc. But, for example, I always hated taking a humvee on the highway during convoys and I'm not sure I'd completely trust a regular pickup in certain combat zones.
In summary:
Highly opinionated. You actually make a great point to keep using angular!
That's up to you. I'm not telling you to use something else either. Maybe you justs prefer others doing your homework for you because you really don't understand how to do it yourself.
I've created dummy e-commerce sites to compare the differences between React and Angular and one thing I can say is state management is a breeze when using Angular's default services and DI features (singleton pattern and dependency inversion principle) .Meanwhile in react I had to use the context API to share state across my components to achieve a similar effect .
You would argue that the context API was a more simpler solution here , but for client facing projects /enterprise software that's bound to scale and have lots of developers with different programming styles working on it , state management starts to be a pain because now they have to learn Redux or Mobx which adds another learning curve . However, with Angular you could get away with the frameworks features without adding any state management library such as ngRx as long as you utilize the necessary features and follow SOLID principles that come packaged with the framework.
Also , separations of concerns is what makes Angular a breeze to work with as evey component has its own template, stylesheet and typescript file unlike React's JSX syntax which feels weird like why would a function spit out html that's nasty business , good luck maintaining that in the future .
The words you have chosen in article describe your hate , in an article don't use those kind of words. I don't think you have worked for any billion dollar company , choosing typescript and angular makes things easier for object oriented programmer to adopt it. React is also a good library it will also face competition and all other frameworks and library will face that. Next js is coming very fast. The popularity you see in some blogs or youtube videos shows react at top because the try to see the public mithun repos where it is adopted but Angular is mostly adopted by large companies provided the are too much dependent on dotnet or java and since the codes are not at all public or can give insights that it is in angular but at company level where more than 20 -30 different projects are there all are in angular. There are so many things you consider before deciding something, I don't know what research you have done but this article don't conclude anything. Good luck ...Don't go harsh on any framework or language ...
Your point about typescript is seriously uninformed
The entire piece is uninformed. He couldn't even sell it as an opinion piece because most of the statements are presented as facts, and they're factually incorrect.
Exactly click bait article
Your comment on this post is seriously uninformed.
Your opinion man, just saying typescript is an industry standard now, the whole learning curve of ts being a reason not to use angular is outdated. Almost every tool in the js ecosystem is in TS now…
No matter what you say incremental adoption is way better than throwing things at people all at once.
I'm not saying Typescript is bad, Typescript is absolutely awesome what I'm saying is if learning to build UI's with Javascript is your goal then you are better off trying something else like React or Vue. And even if you want the type safety that Typescript brings, it's way better with JSX.
Sure but saying Typescript is the number 1 reason not to learn a really popular tool that may get you employed is uninformed, especially since it’s a standard in the industry that you are discouraging people to learn, just click bait for the sake of click bait. The whole angular changed to TS debate is a decade old now, so I’m not sure what you mean about incremental adoption in this case, care to elaborate? I do agree with you though learning vanilla js, html css first is the better approach.
Such a shit take, probably influenced by the shit talker influencers in the react ecosystem. You should learn to form your own opinions. If this is actually your opinion then you're clueless.
This is the worst kind of clickbait just to market React courses. Angular isn't going anywhere and the critiques aren't well informed.
The Angular team has made significant headway reducing bundle size and improving developer experience.
Angular may not be beginner friendly, but neither is React. Web standards are beginner friendly. Libraries and frameworks are not beginner friendly at all because they obscure the platform. They remove the possibility to understand why and how the web platform works.
Too many restrictions is another way of saying "follow the style guide" and if that's the case, I'll follow the style guide rather than go rogue. Oh wait, React shifted from class to functional to server-side. In the meanwhile, I boostrapped an Angular app with the Angular CLI and over time used the CLI to update free of charge. Less churn, more doing with Angular because there is a style guide most engineers follow.
Who cares about competition? Like the other reasons listed here, this point you made lacks any factual evidence. You could have done some research, like compared downloads from prior years, but that wouldn't have bolstered your argument, because like most other npm packages, the downloads don't go down over time. It's a worthless metric.
Pick the framework or library that suits the project. Don't apply a single library or framework to every solution. Use what works best for the job. It's that simple.
I went from Angular to React and back again to Angular. I used Svelte briefly, Lit for another project. Going all-in on one library or framework feels misguided. Having a wide breadth of understanding how different libraries work, combined with how the web platform works is probably a better idea.
Honestly, I would rather code an enterprise app with Angular because of the separation of concerns reinforced by the style guide. That's a good contract for teams to build sophisticated apps. As you point out, comparing React and Angular is kind of a false equivalency, since React lacks several paradigms in Angular.
I would rather use Web Components for low-level UI Components instead of React. Virtual DOM is pure overhead. It was always pure marketing React was faster than DOM. Why should I believe in a library that was marketed on lies? Why should I continue to learn React when the authors change the way its coded every few years, prompting me to refactor my app rather than work on a feature users have been waiting for? Why do you need to reduce others liking something you don't to "being in a cult"? People actually in a cult may get offended.
Everyone will have a preference, but this empty prognostication is unwarranted. Angular is not going away anytime soon. Why do you feel the need to make a bogeyman out of a framework?
I get you're being sarcastic, but you're not funny at the same time. It's confusing.
Which Variable Name does TypeScript Solve?
A: Event_Date
B: Event_Date_or_NameOfEvent
C: Event_GuessMyType
D: Event_LetsKeepItASecretType
E: Event_LetsGiveThisaVagueName2JustifyTypeScript
Well done clickbait article!
Finally came here for the comments, as each reason you expose are precisely Angular strengths.
If you don't have the proper foundations you're most likely prone to hate Angular.
I tell you what, when you grow up and you're perhaps a senior/lead dev yourself, or perhaps management as I am, you'll understand the pain of dealing with a team of 20+ developers distributed across multiple countries "expressing themselves" on a scaling enterprise system. When you're trying to stick to a particular code design pattern so that you're able to build in that design system planned for next quarter, or you just don't want 30 different ways to do exactly the same thing, the "freedom" that React offers is the last thing you need. Pain that my team themselves will have to deal with, when actually I want them to go home and enjoy their evenings.
If you're an inspiring or junior dev, don't listen to this guy. Every frontend library or framework is a tool, not a football team. Instead, spend your time practicing and understanding the fundamentals of comp sci and engineering principles, and you can learn anything you want. By that time though, you'll realise the choice of tool matters very little beyond the business objectives of the platform you're developing for.
Couldn't agree more. Having seen the UI framework landscape evolve over a decade and some more, I can say that neither Angular nor React were in the same state 8-10 years ago.
One might as well have had an opinion back in 2015 that "React will not survive the next year", and they would be both right and wrong (or neither) at the same time. The version of React in 2015 (with React.createClass based component system) is gone, it did not survive. But in the year 2024 we still have React, that does things completely differently. But in both cases, the frameworks seem to be moving towards more typesafe and functional approach to UI development, and understanding these underlaying ideas of type safety, functional programming etc matter more.
Same can be said for most, if not all, UI frameworks. Such opinions as "X framework will/will not survive in next N years", do not add any value to any discussion. It's important to discuss and compare advancements in different frameworks/technologies, but the term "survive" in such opinions tend to be poorly defined and can be interpreted differently by different people.
None of your complaints brings anything new on the table, let alone be specific to 2024. Which means: it's already been said and Angular is still here, so what will change in 2024 so that Angular won't survive?
It's not clear if you consider using TypeScript an advantage or not. For medium to large application, it's generally considered a blessing from developers. Historically, it's over of the best things that Angular introduced among major frontend frameworks, and it's been eventually adopted by the others.
And since many come from an object oriented programming language, TypeScript and Angular's approach have actually lowered the barriers for those used to backend development and needed to work on the frontend (admittedly, with varied results, as working on the client is a completely different thing, but still we can say that TypeScript helped).
Sure, there has been some opposition to TypeScript lately. Mainly because it introduces a build step, so if you can do without, you might be better off. Spoiler alert: you cannot really do without in medium to large applications - which are still the main target of Angular - so better keep TypeScript around.
You can say that TypeScript isn't needed for a simple landing page, yadda yadda... And that's fine, use something else. Angular is definitely overkill for that. But let me tell you: so is Next, which is basically the Angular-like evolution of React. And this brings us to the next point...
No, I don't. I've used all of those features in the past, and with great satisfaction. And had to look for them in other frameworks too, including React, in order to deliver a complete product. If anything, contrary of what you said, Angular is still lacking a major feature, which is state management - unless you're considering a heavy usage of RxJS (don't. It's gonna be messy. Use NgRx instead, or similar).
And frankly, opinionated (but working) solutions are what React developers were looking for so far. But each with their own solutions for static typing, routing, forms, styling, state management, even data fetching. That's why they're shifting to Next, lately, now that Vercel has basically become the owner of React.
And yes, let's talk about Next, shall we?
Now React isn't that "simple" frontend library it used to be anymore. Its official documentation now tells you to just start with Next, now. But it comes with a price.
Now you have to learn a ton of concepts right from the start. With every major release, Next increases its bundle size, even if it introduced server components just to reduce bundle size. On the contrary, Angular bundles are decreasing in size, or basically keeping it unchanged. And yet you say Angular is doomed?
React might have an implementation for signals, but you're probably not going to use it. With React, you're using hooks, which is different.
The introduction of signals isn't for trying to be "cool" again: it's actually a major shift of the usual reactive paradigm of Angular, away from RxJS and Zone.js. The former is the actual tall barrier to overcome to master Angular (extremely powerful and expressive, but also requires extensive knowledge of its operators), the latter is a burden from the past whose demise is frankly long overdue.
In my opinion, the Angular team has done a great job on keeping Angular fresh without losing any capability. It might not be hyped, it might not be what the cool kids are using nowadays, but it surely does its job well.
You have quite a bit to learn based on this article. The power behind angular is intentional. Being able to utilize the entire toolkit angular offers is absolutely paramount on large scale applications. I work for multimillion dollar company and we use angular, as well as Google, CVS Caremark, Alaskan Airlines, and many many more. I suggest studying a bit!
I have read your six points list nice but you are not up to date with angular,those points are old angular 16...17 .... is simplified and easy to on board new b with separation of concern and principle of modularity,alot of out of the box features which save you development time,uniformity one instruction for all team members to onboard.read angular Standalone Component and see how you can will it manipulate it,nest it including routing it without page refreshing everything is configured for us,just take what you need,i like React but Angular is simplifying my journey for large application.so Angular is here to stay because they give release note,plan and one command to run your update.This is lovely for me for maintance. Cheers❤
Poor quality article both in content and expression that's just shilling a React course.
Bemoaning Typescript says enough.
Maybe you should check my profile and my other posts on Typescript and see what my stand with Typescript is.
I'm a Typescript first person and will not use Javascript except for demonstration purposes!
You've already openly admitted in other comments that this was just a hate piece, nothing more. You can't write junk and expect people to take you seriously. If you want to be taken seriously you have to "live what you preach, preach what you live."
In other words, if I get the opposite stance in your article from what you just claimed, you are not to be trusted. I am not obligated, nor inclined, to "go check your profile", dig into your history, or watch your YouTube so that I may properly assess "where you stand with TypeScript." I got no impression that you've spent much time with TypeScript, let alone support it... and I'm still not wasting my time to dig in.
I am however hoping that this is not a waste of time to say - The choice is yours... Be a clickbait troll or a respectable professional. There isn't a middle ground.
The ingenuity of shameless self-promoters so frequently surprises me. It might be more helpful if this self-promotion weren’t quite so opinionated and negative, though. I’m already full-up on folks who mistake their preferences for best practice, and this piece is pretty much nothing but that.
Also, it seems impolite to use an angular tag on an article just to belittle angular, its users, and pretty much everyone who doesn’t align perfectly with your preferences.
It's TypeScript not Typescript, and citation needed for "Many developers shy away from angular because of Typescript".
Angular will thrive and become a staple in big application development. Make sure to research well before sharing. Making apps with React takes longer than using Angular. Businesses want quicker app development based on today's market. Even the government relies on Angular for high-traffic sites, with millions of users daily.
I have worked on both React and Angular. I will prefer to go with Angular.
Beginner developers these days often skip learning coding standards and rush to finish applications. If you're starting out, focus on mastering TypeScript and design patterns; it'll benefit you in the long term.
I don't know where to start. Starting from the title of this article everything seems like, very little research has been done. The content size does not matter for an article. Please don't just write an article for the sake of writing. Every framework has certain usage. This basic understanding is missing in the article.
I've used Angular, And before that Angularjs. Last few years I've been using react. I do miss some of the opinionated nature of a full-fledged framework like angular. However, I've been enjoying the flexibility that comes with a la carte library like react.
You have activated my disdain card my dear React fanboy. I respect your hate, but I can't share it at all. Angular is the predilect option for large companies with complex projects. I will shoot my hand using react for financial institutions given how F up is to handle those kinds of projects.
As you see, the list grows up. Because react is a library, you can install anything that could solve your immediate problem, but it will be a sure footgun on the long term because your application complexity grows. And don't get me starting on testing, because you will need to install libraries to mock http calls, stores, etc. In addition, FEW of these libraries are tested strongly enough to be used in enterprise environments.
And Angular? it has it all. Tested and documented, and quite stable across its iterations, and the best of all, its backward compatible. I will not commit harakiri by migration to the next stable version because I know it will not kill my current stable application.
Don't take it for me: there are TONS of people, but the amount of people that are abandoning react for enterprise solutions is BIG, and they are opting into Vue, Svelte, SolidJS or Angular.
Also, the transition of class components to function components killed tons of projects. Migrations over of the place. Abstractions doesn't mean things will be better, and hooks is still a terrible developer experience.
You can't compare enterprise solutions to tic-tac-toe games.
Enjoy your tic-tac-toe, we keep moving out of it. Our lives and products don't gravitate around React.
Another react fanboy fighting learning curve. Angular is the predilect choice for strong and robust applications. You can't play blind without considering that now more than before large companies are dropping react to move into vue, svelte or Angular.
I would say, play with react all you want, let the grown ups hold Angular or a robust framework.
This part:
That amounts to "I bet none of you uses Angular for new projects, and I can say that because I'm going to dismiss anyone who does use Angular for new projects as having sold their souls to Google, negating their existence."
In addition, you base some of your criticism on the learning curve for TypeScript (which I'd swear took me only a couple of days), but if someone is already using Angular and wants to move on to another platform for the next project, that platform is going to have a learning curve as well. So if TypeScript is a barrier to entry to Angular, then already using Angular and having it work well is a barrier to entry into an alternative platform.
There are many complex web applications, so how is that a problem? Certainly, I wouldn't base an introductory computer programming class on Angular. But the whole point of being a skilled, even an advanced developer is that you know more and can take on more complex tools than newbies can, that are worth the investment you make in them. AWS isn't exactly for beginners either--especially given its sorry, infuriatingly dense yet deficient and circular documentation--but it isn't hurting.
To look at it another way, what you say of Angular has always been true, yet it went from zero to where it is now, so it isn't obvious that the same characteristics are, in 2024, going to do a 180 on it and drive it downhill.
When you get to work with larger companies, you’ll understand that whatever you build has to be rock solid and bug free. I chose Angular many years ago because of Typescript, because of strict rules, because of the out of the box features as opposed to random overnight developed libraries pulled in the project.
I don’t care if I can get a 50K smaller bundle with other framework or 100ms faster load all I care is
Angular simply ticked every box for me.
We’re all full stack engineers in my team and use strict typing and OOP with other languages. Typescript turned out to be a more natural choice for us.
I struggled with RXJS in the beginning until I fell in love with it, now I still occasionally use it along with signals.
These sort of rants always come from Junior Developers.
"there's nothing that you can do with Angular that you can't achieve with other frameworks" Then it shows your lack of experience. If you have million line projects, you don't switch because something else does the same.
Looks like the prophecy came true, unbelievable!
Angular is dead ..because I want you to watch my react videos....
Believe me or not, if you switched to Angular you will never leave 💯
Angular ❤️🚀
I don't think Angular is going to die anytime soon. Angular works well for complex applications and I think most of the developers are not just building one page apps.
So angular is here to stay.
Commenting in 2025 😅
It's now December 2024 and Angular still survives. Check out the release schedule in 2025
how much nonsense.
And says in the comments he knows it's not going anywhere, and disabled replies? A troll & by the sound of it an inexperienced dev. What a waste of time reading it.
"Too much restrictions", "It's just too Overpowered", sincerely, your arguments doesn't deserve trust at all
Well, this aged liked milk.
It may not suit you, but for large projects it works well. Not everyone writes several SPAs per year. I'm on the same project after years. Not being beginner friendly is an excuse.