DEV Community

Kamal Antaal
Kamal Antaal

Posted on

Integrating Stripe Payments with Discord for Automatic User Addition and Subscription Management

Hello community,

I'm currently working on a project that involves integrating Stripe with Discord for managing subscriptions and user access. Here are the main requirements I'm trying to achieve:

  1. Stripe Integration: I need to create a button on my website that redirects users to a Stripe checkout page.

  2. Subscription Management: The subscription should include a 5-day free trial. After users complete the Stripe checkout process, payments for subsequent months should automatically deduct from their card.

  3. Discord Integration: Upon successful payment, users should be automatically added to a Discord server and assigned a specific role.

Specific Questions:

  • Does Stripe provide APIs that support subscription management, including a 5-day free trial, and automate recurring payments? If so, how can I implement these features?

  • Are there recommended practices or examples for linking Stripe payments to Discord server actions (such as user addition and role assignment)?

  • Are there Discord APIs or methods for automating user management based on external payment confirmations from Stripe?

Additional Information:

  • Both my Stripe account and Discord server are registered in Canada.

Any advice, documentation links, or sample code snippets would be greatly appreciated to help me achieve this integration successfully.

Thank you for your assistance!

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