DEV Community

Discussion on: Getting started with fp-ts: Functor

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Kamil Szot

What's functorResponse good for? You defined it while dropping a ton of boilerplate from HKT without explaining it and without providing any use case. That's the point in your series when I felt like hand-waving started and wasn't able to say 'Yes. I understand fully what you mean.'

However otherwise it's really great write up about category theory concepts. It got me way closer to understanding who it works and what might be the value of it than any other thing I read earlier. I especially like the parallels you drew between increasingly complex contexts (like how lift relates to map, and ap relates to unpack) and examples with Arrays, Options, Promises (I'm not sure why but Arrays seem to be hardest for me to understand, especially when talking about applicative functors, others are just specific boxes over single value, arrays are weird because they have multiple values). I also very much liked the drawing in last parts that can give intuition why a thing is called 'lift'. You might want to add some of those in this part where you first introduce 'lift'.

Great job! Thank you for that!