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Kanani Nirav
Kanani Nirav

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Git Rebase vs Git Merge, Which One is the Best Option?

Git Rebase and Git Merge are two common ways to integrate changes from one branch into another. While both accomplish the same goal, they do so in different ways and have different use cases.

Git Rebase Vs Git Merge

Git Merge is a command that merges two or more branches together. When you merge a branch, Git creates a new commit that combines the changes from the merged branch with the changes in the current branch. This results in a new commit history that includes all the changes from both branches. Merge is useful when you want to integrate changes from a long-running feature branch into your main branch. Merge preserves the commit history of both branches, making it easy to see which changes came from which branch.

Git Rebase, on the other hand, rewrites the commit history of the current branch so that it appears as though the changes were made directly on the current branch, rather than on a separate branch. This is achieved by first “rewinding” the current branch to the point where it diverged from the other branch, then applying the changes from the other branch one by one on top of the current branch. This results in a linear commit history that looks like the changes were made sequentially, rather than on separate branches. Rebase is useful when you want to incorporate changes from a feature branch but want to keep the commit history of the main branch linear and easier to follow.

For Example: Integrating a feature into the main with and without a rebase

Initial State

Initial State

Merge New features with rebase

Merge with rebase

Merge New features without rebasing

Merge without rebasing

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Git Merge:

  • It preserves the original commit history of both branches, making it easier to see where changes came from and how the codebase has evolved over time.

  • It is a simpler and more straightforward process that is less likely to cause conflicts or issues with the codebase.

  • It is the recommended way to integrate changes from multiple contributors and is often the default way to merge branches in Git hosting platforms like GitHub.

Disadvantages of Git Merge:

  • It can result in a more complex and cluttered commit history if there are multiple merge commits or if branches are merged frequently.

  • It can be more difficult to identify which changes came from which branch if there are many contributors working on the same codebase.

Advantages of Git Rebase:

  • It creates a linear and more readable commit history, making it easier to understand the development history of the codebase.

  • It allows you to incorporate changes from one branch into another without creating a merge commit, which can be useful for maintaining a clean commit history.

  • It can make resolving conflicts easier, as it applies the changes from one branch on top of the other branch’s changes.

Disadvantages of Git Rebase:

  • It rewrites the commit history, which can make it difficult to track changes and identify where they originated.

  • It can introduce conflicts and issues with the codebase, particularly if multiple contributors are working on the same branch.

  • It can be more difficult to recover from errors or mistakes when using Git Rebase, as it overwrites the commit history.

Which One is the Best Option?

The choice between using Git Merge or Git Rebase depends on the specific needs of your project and your team’s workflow. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

Use Git Merge if:

  • You want to preserve the original commit history of both branches.

  • You are merging changes from multiple contributors and want to maintain a clear and visible history of who made what changes.

  • You are working with a large or complex codebase and want to minimize the risk of conflicts or issues.

Use Git Rebase if:

  • You want to create a cleaner and more linear commit history.

  • You are working on a small or simple codebase and want to maintain a streamlined and easily readable history.

  • You are working on a feature branch that is not shared with others and want to incorporate changes from the main branch before merging your changes.

Keep in mind that while Git Rebase can be a powerful tool, it can also be riskier than Git Merge and can cause conflicts or issues if used improperly. If you are unsure about which approach to take, it may be helpful to consult with other members of your team or seek advice from experienced Git users.

In summary, Git Merge is a safer and more straightforward way to integrate changes, while Git Rebase is more powerful and can lead to cleaner commit history. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific use case and the preferences of the development team.

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