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Discussion on: Thinking about going with PreactJs for

karolyi profile image
László Károlyi • Edited

spaghetti? I hope you use webpack or some other modularizer tool. if yes, you should modularize things and thus avoid spaghetti code.

guess what, I'm still using jquery with webpack and other widget npm modules pretty effectively. (I know, for some, jquery is cancer, but I really couldn't care less)

until shadow dom is supported natively by almost everything, I'm sticking with jQuery. I'm not the kind of guy who jumps on every bandwagon, be it angular or react.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

For the time-being we do not use any modularizer tool. Code is organized via naming conventions. It's been fine for now but won't scale bigly.

karolyi profile image
László Károlyi • Edited

I would give webpack + ES6 a shot then. I use it with gulp (as I do also stylus + sass with bootstrap 4), and it does wonders to the code.

see some samples at

easrng profile image

I'm not going to the to get you to use a framework, but have you tried fetch and querySelector? The only reason these days for jQuery is IE support, and if you need that, I am sorry.