This is a submission for DEV Challenge v24.03.20, CSS Art: Favorite Snack.
I had to learn CSS for my job as a frontend developer but started liking it. I love being artistic with it but I am still at my beginners state.
I have been obsessed with watermelon these days, thats how I tried drawing it.I started off thinking its easy but I wont deny, I struggled a bit. I have been practicing border-radius recently, so it helped me alot to get through this challenge.Although I am still figuring out how to draw the outer watermelon shades(dark green section and light green section)
Some of the properties widly used:
:was very helpful making the shapes
: to give the shadow effect
Top comments (12)
Nice! 🍉
Awesome 😎
Nice one
Nice job! It looks great 😊
Divya you are greate in css
Great job
nice one 👍
CSS stands with Palestine 🍉
Tasty 😋